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Hawk Hour Lesson Plans August 25-29. Day 1 – Mon., Aug.25 Students will work in small groups for 20 minutes analyzing the character trait of each “I am”

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Presentation on theme: "Hawk Hour Lesson Plans August 25-29. Day 1 – Mon., Aug.25 Students will work in small groups for 20 minutes analyzing the character trait of each “I am”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hawk Hour Lesson Plans August 25-29

2 Day 1 – Mon., Aug.25 Students will work in small groups for 20 minutes analyzing the character trait of each “I am” poem and decide who the poem belongs to (adult/student/mystery person)

3 Day 2 – Tues., Aug.26 Whole group reads through “I am” poems and define character trait vocab. That give clues to identifying the character. Write vocab. on chart paper. In journals, describe yourself using the vocab. Ticket: What 5 words would someone else use to describe you?

4 Day 3 – Wed., Aug.27 *Teacher models “I am” poem *Students will create their own “I am” poem.

5 I am poem… First Stanza I am ______________(special characteristics or nouns about you). I wonder ____________(something you are curious about). I hear _____________(an imaginary sound). I want ________________(an actual desire of yours). I am _______________(repeat first line of poem). Second Stanza I pretend _______________(something you pretend to do). I feel ________________(an imaginary feeling). I touch _______________(an imaginary touch). I worry ________________(something that truly bothers you). I cry ___________________(something that makes you very sad). I am __________________(repeat the first line of the poem). Third Stanza I understand _________________(something you know is true). I say ___________________(something you dream about). I dream ____________________(something you dream about). I try ____________________(something you make an effort about). I hope ___________________(something you actually hope for). I am ___________________(repeat the first line of the poem). (Author)

6 Day 4 – Thurs., Aug.28 *Students will finish their “I am” poem and begin illustrating them.

7 Day 5 – Fri., Aug.29 *Students will finish illustrating their “I am” poems, frame on construction paper, and share them with the class.

8 Hawk Hour Project Based Learning (PBL) JOURNALS

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