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BEIJING-LCG2 Site Report Dec. 2013 Beijing. 2010.12-2011.112011.12-2012.112012.11-2013.10 Job Number4,786,574 5,555,0442,354,501 Walltime4,869,401 6,783,6964,079,095.

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Presentation on theme: "BEIJING-LCG2 Site Report Dec. 2013 Beijing. 2010.12-2011.112011.12-2012.112012.11-2013.10 Job Number4,786,574 5,555,0442,354,501 Walltime4,869,401 6,783,6964,079,095."— Presentation transcript:

1 BEIJING-LCG2 Site Report Dec. 2013 Beijing

2 2010.12-2011.112011.12-2012.112012.11-2013.10 Job Number4,786,574 5,555,0442,354,501 Walltime4,869,401 6,783,6964,079,095 CPU Efficiency 82.1%80.8% 81.9 % Node Utility74.9%79%48.2% China User CPU Time 36,11295,42182,813 Resource: Disk array retire. Add a new disk array. Totally 80TB

3 Annual Maintains



6 ATLAS Available Disk

7 Grid Jobs statistics 2013

8 EMI Upgrade  July 2013 All Service upgrade to EMI2  Cream, dCache, DPM,APEL, BDII, WMS, LB  Sep. 2013 SL6 Worknode Migragion  Otc. 2013 dCache,DPM Upgrade to SHA2 compatible version  Nov. 2013 Upgrade All host certificates.  Nov. 2013 WMS upgrade EMI3 and SHA2 compatible version  All service are SHA2 compatible version

9 System management tools upgrade  Upgrade from quattor to Puppet+Foreman  Foreman as external node configure of Puppet  Foreman as Puppet dashboard  Puppet Modules need to develop :  Ntp 、 pkg 、 lustre 、 afs-authlogin 、 autofs 、 account s 、 symlinks 、 sys-directorys 、 pbs-clients 、 cronjobs 、 gluster 、 sudoer 、 sshconfig 、 ganglia-monitor 、 profile_env 、 nagios- nrpe 、 security-limits  Near 100 hosts managed by Puppet+Forman.


11 Tire2 Site issue  Typical site incidents:  Very old hard ware. All the disk array were 5 years old.  Disk array retire  Middleware upgrade frequently. Need lot of work to do on it.  EMI2, EMI3, SHA2

12  ありがとう  Merci  Thanks

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