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 What different areas did the federal government suddenly get involved in?

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2  What different areas did the federal government suddenly get involved in?




6  Series of 30 evening radio addresses given by FDR  15-45 minutes long, usually started with “Good evening, friends”  80% of the words were from the 1,000 most common words in the English language  Purpose: To take his message directly to the people, reassure the public about the recovery, and ask them to have faith in the banks and the New Deal laws


8  Agricultural Adjustment Act  Federal loans restricted agricultural production by paying farmers subsidies NOT to plant a part of their land and to kill off excess livestock  Created the Agricultural Adjustment Administration to oversee distribution of subsidies  Purpose: To reduce surplus supply to raise value of crops  Money to pay subsidies came from a tax on food processing companies

9  Ruled unconstitutional in 1936. Supreme Court said regulation of agricultural was a state power  Law was changed so money came from Federal government instead

10  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation  Government corporation created by the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933  Provided deposit insurance in member banks up to $2,500  Banks were required to place signs that said:

11  Created a federal agency, the Securities and Exchange Commission  Five commissioners, appointed by the President to 4-year staggered terms  Enforces securities laws  Regulates the nation’s stock exchanges  Purpose: To prevent corporate abuses  Investigates fraud, false information, “insider trading”  Public companies must submit quarterly and annual reports security = stock

12  Created independent government agency to administer Social Security (social insurance)  Workers pay social security tax on earnings  When they retire or become disabled or their survivors’ need money, benefits are based on contributions during their lifetimes


14  Created the Works Progress Administration (renamed in 1939 as the Works Projects Administration)  Employed millions of unskilled workers to carry out public works projects.  Tried to provide one paid job for all families where breadwinner suffered long-term unemployment  At peak in 1939 gave paying jobs for 3 million unemployed men (some women)  Between 1933-1943, created 8 million jobs

15  Fed children, redistributed food, built bridges, parks (especially in rural areas and the West)  Created public buildings, roads, opera, arts, drama, media, literary projects


17  Many criticized the New Deal as being a “socialistic experiment”





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