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Field trial analysis of Latin American module and recommendations National Research Coordinator Meeting Windsor, June 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Field trial analysis of Latin American module and recommendations National Research Coordinator Meeting Windsor, June 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Field trial analysis of Latin American module and recommendations National Research Coordinator Meeting Windsor, June 2008

2 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Contents of presentation Overview of field trial analysis Outcomes for cognitive items Outcomes for questionnaire items Recommendations

3 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Analysis of test items - 1 Generally, test items performed well One items (no. 9: “nepotism”) clearly does not work Two items have problems with distractors (no. 5 and 14) Item 5 also overlaps with an international item with a very similar content

4 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Item 5: Distractor problem

5 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Item 9: Did NOT perform

6 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Item 14: Distractor problem

7 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Analysis of test items - 2

8 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Analysis of test items - 3

9 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Questionnaire item analysis Number of reliable scales can be derived from instruments Some item sets should be combined as they reflect highly similar dimensions Some items may be of interest for single- item reporting even if scaling properties are not that good Some questions should be reduced to avoid redundancy

10 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Questionnaire recommendations - 1 Items on peace and obedience to laws –Poor scaling properties –Consider deletion Attitudes toward homosexuality –Low reliability in half of countries –May of interest for single-item reporting

11 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Questionnaire recommendations - 2 Acceptance of abuse of public money –Two dimensions found (demand for transparency and acceptance of corrupt practices) –Both scales rather weak –Consider deletion or moving some of the acceptance items to Q7 (attitudes toward corruption)

12 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Questionnaire recommendations - 3 Attitudes toward clientelism –Items load on same dimension as attitudes toward corruption –Consider deletion or merging with Q7 Attitudes toward authoritarianism –Good scaling properties –1-2 items should be deleted Attitudes toward dictatorship –Most items load on same dimensions as authoritarianism items –Consider merging or deletion

13 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Questionnaire recommendations - 4 Attitudes toward corruption –Items form reliable scale –Items may be combined with items on acceptance of abuse of public money and clientelism Acceptance of law-breaking –Items form reliable scale –Two items with lower factor loadings should be considered for deletion

14 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Questionnaire recommendations - 5 Acceptance of minority groups as neighbours –Items form reliable scale Latin American identity –Only six items form scale with rather low reliabilities –These items may be considered for single-item reporting Attitudes toward violence –Items form reliable scale

15 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Questionnaire recommendations - 6 Empathy 1 –Items form reliable scale Empathy 2 –Two dimensions: First dimension same as in previous item set, second dimension reflects feelings of envy –Only item reflecting empathy should be retained

16 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Questionnaire recommendations - 7 Experience of verbal and physical abuse –Items form reliable scale –May be informative for single-item reporting Discussions of issues at school –Items form reliable school –May be more interesting for single-item reporting –Some content overlap and a reduction should be considered

17 NRC Meeting Windsor June 2008 Questions or comments?

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