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 Update to latest PI + platform  Extend history to 2009  Extend forecast to 2060.

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2  Update to latest PI + platform  Extend history to 2009  Extend forecast to 2060

3  Update to latest PI + platform  Extend history to 2009  Extend forecast to 2060

4 Government Revenue and Expenditure Forecasting, Tax Policy Analysis, and Fiscal Impact Modeling  Update to latest PI + platform  Extend history to 2009  Extend forecast to 2060  Integrate custom industries with custom expenditure categories  Handle graduated personal income tax rates  Handle federal offset for personal income taxes  Add detailed government spending policy variables

5 Small Area (Sub-County, Municipality, TAZ, etc.) Long-Range Planning Model  Complete theory and estimation for v1.0.  Software development: architecture, economics, equations, user interface, link to GIS.  Integrating economics, demographics, household characteristics, zoning changes, and commuting patterns.

6 Immediate Access to the Most Extensive Economic and Demographic Regional Database Available  New product initiative to make the entire 3000- county REMI forecast accessible via the web on a subscription basis.  Designed to be easily searchable for a variety of purposes, and to provide a rich visual display of the information.  Alternative forecasts and current event policy scenarios will also be available.

7  Update with Census 2010 data  Update with new BLS 2020 forecast  Fully integrate BizDev  Add new commuter flow/residence adjustment methodology  Endogenous response for commuter shares  New policy variables  New results display

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