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Working the Web... Classroom appropriate sites that support student learning presented by Kimberly Benfield, Media Specialist Mountain Home Public Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Working the Web... Classroom appropriate sites that support student learning presented by Kimberly Benfield, Media Specialist Mountain Home Public Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working the Web... Classroom appropriate sites that support student learning presented by Kimberly Benfield, Media Specialist Mountain Home Public Schools

2 Tricks to the Web Look BEFORE you go! Plan ahead Pull it up at school, use “creative spellings” Try a pathfinder to keep kids focused If it doesn’t work the first time, try, try again

3 Resources for Classroom Teachers BookALike: helps you find books that are “like” other…great for when you are at the end of a series BookALike Zamzar: file converter, helps you use video clips that might be blocked at school for classroom use. Can be downloaded to hard drive (recommended) or streamed live. Zamzar Classroom Resources: clip art, lesson/activity ideas (not extensive), templates, etc Classroom Resources

4 Interactive Websites for Students the beginning of thousands! Various games, mostly math (some word games), single OR multiplayer games. Games, brain teasers, jokes; divided into age groups. Multiple subjects and age levels, games, madlibs, comics, Sudoku, etc. Fact Monster: gender/age specific games, homework help, sports, today in history, much more!

5 Closing thoughts Encourage people to support your classroom by sponsoring a web site subscription  ($49.00)  ($15.00)  ($40.00)  ($39.95/$99.95) Inquire to your Media Specialists about AR Traveler subscriptions that are available to all schools for free; great for research

6 Questions? Presentation and handouts posted to: Thank you for your time!

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