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Presentation on theme: "Nouns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nouns

2 Nouns A _noun__is a word or word group that is used to name a___person______, __place___, ____thing_____, or idea. Examples: Persons: teacher, Paris Hilton, mother Places: school, Johnson City, mall Things: lamp, book, desk Ideas: love, courage, freedom

3 Common Nouns A _common noun_ names any one of a group of persons, places, things, ideas and is generally not capitalized. Examples: Person: ___ child, adult, teacher______ Place: __theater, store, city________ Thing: ___book, desk, jacket, _____ Ideas: religion _________________ (your example of a common noun)

4 Proper Nouns __Proper Nouns____ name a particular person, place, thing, or idea and begin with a capital letter. Examples: Person: __Mrs. Breitbarth, Dr. Martin____ Place: ___Starbucks, Target_______ Thing: __Despicable Me, Watsons Go to Birmingham   __________________(your example)

5 Compound Nouns ___Compound Nouns____are formed by joining two simple nouns together. Examples: foot + ball= __football_______(no space) ice + land = ____Iceland___ brother + in + law= __brother-in-law__(with a hyphen) grass + hopper= _______grasshopper_______ _______________ (your example)

6 Sentences Common Noun 1. ___________________________________________________ Proper Noun 2. ___________________________________________________ Compound Noun 3.___________________________________________________

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