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Judy Fuhrman 4/13 2 nd Grade Focus on Syllabication UNIT 2 Please read the slide notes prior to teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Judy Fuhrman 4/13 2 nd Grade Focus on Syllabication UNIT 2 Please read the slide notes prior to teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 2 nd Grade Focus on Syllabication UNIT 2 Please read the slide notes prior to teaching.

2 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 1 Lesson 1 of 3

3 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Here are some of our spelling words this week. mainsay waitpay sailray trainstay Are they closed or magic e syllables? Why or why not? VOWEL TEAM SYLLABLE

4 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Our third syllable type is Vowel Teams.

5 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Facts About Vowel Teams Two vowels stand together. The vowels work as a team. They make one sound. Usually the first member of the team is the captain and says its long sound. rain V

6 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 The A Teams ai is found in the middle of a syllable, as in train. -ay is found at the end of a syllable, as in play.

7 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 V C C V V C C V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV 1 2 V C C V V C C V 1 2 m a i n t a i n s p r i n g t a i l vccvvcccv

8 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 m a i n l a n d m a i n l a n d w a i t r e s s e x p l a i n V C C V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 12 V C C C V 1 2 2vccvvcccv

9 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Compare and contrast the two highlighted spellings on the train card. The spellings ai and a_e are similar/different because…

10 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 1 Lesson 2 of 3

11 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 What do you know about the two highlighted spellings on the train card?

12 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 V C V V C V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV 1 2vccvvcccv V C C V V C C V 1 2 p a y d a y r a i l w a y

13 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Our third cutting pattern is VCV. We usually divide before the consonant. v/cv

14 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 V C V V C V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV 1 2 V C C V V C C V 1 2 p a y d a y r a i l w a y vcvvccvvcccv

15 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 V C V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 12 V C C V 1 V C V 2 2vcvvccvvcccv p l a y m a t e p l a y m a t e s u b w a y p a t h w a y

16 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 How does this sound-symbol card relate to the seven syllable types?

17 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 2 Lesson 3 of 3

18 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Remember our initial blends? We also have three-letter initial blends.

19 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Sometimes we call our three- letter blends clusters. There are only four clusters in English. scr spr str spl scratchstreetspray splash

20 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Our fourth cutting pattern is VCCCCV. We usually divide after the first consonant to keep the cluster together. vc/cccv

21 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 V C C C C V V C C C C V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV 1 2 V C C C C V V C C C C V 1 2 m a i n s p r i n g c o n s t r a i n vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

22 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 V C C C CV 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 1 2 V C C C V 1 2 2 V CCCC V i n s c r i b e i n s c r i b e d i s p l e a s e i n s t r u c t vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

23 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Explain the most common places to cut these patterns.

24 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V VCCV POP QUIZ: POP QUIZ: Syllabicate this word. Show your work. Explain why divided the word where you did. Write your answer in complete sentences. 1 V C CCC V 2 a i r s t r i p vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

25 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 1 Lesson 1 of 3

26 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Based on what you know about the highlighted spellings on the train card, what can you infer about the highlighted spellings on the tree card?

27 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Here are some of this week’s spelling words eat, bean, cheek, need, green, leaf, queen, seek What type of syllable are they? How do you know? VOWEL TEAM SYLLABLE

28 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 The E Teams Both ea and ee are vowel teams that are usually found in the middle of a syllable, as in team and peek.

29 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV V C C V V C C V 12 m a i n s t r e a m vcvvccvvcccvvccccv c o n c e a l

30 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Long ago, Bubba had a picnic up on a mountain. He had soda, a banana, and a bacon sandwich. While having lunch Bubba spied something across the canyon. It was a UFO and had come from the planet schwa. The UFO floated into the sky and hovered above him. Before he knew it, the UFO zapped Bubba and took all of his energy away. For the rest of the day Bubba was weak and all he could say was “uh.” Believe it or not, these UFOs still hover around today, but take comfort in knowing that they no longer zap people. Instead, they take control of vowels. They take away their energy and make them say, “uh.” Stay alert! They like to conceal themselves. They are invisible but you can still hear them. schwa

31 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Long ago, Bubba had a picnic up on a mountain. He had soda, a banana, and a bacon sandwich. While having lunch Bubba spied something across the canyon. It was a UFO and had come from the planet schwa. The UFO floated into the sky and hovered above him. Before he knew it, the UFO zapped Bubba and took all of his energy away. For the rest of the day Bubba was weak and all he could say was “uh.” Believe it or not, these UFOs still hover around today, but take comfort in knowing that they no longer zap people. Instead, they take control of vowels. They take away their energy and make them say, “uh.” Stay alert! They like to conceal themselves. They are invisible but you can still hear them. schwa

32 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 2 nd Syllable Begins with [a] Ends with [a] Prefix con- com- High Frequency Words Other Common Locations for Schwa e agoBubba a mountain soda banana bacon some across canyon was come from the planet above hover of away around control alert conceal invisible comfort people Select one word and look it up in the dictionary. What diacritical marks do you see? soda a

33 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 c o n c e a l V C CCC V V C CCC V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV 1 2 V C C V V C C V 12 m a i n s t r e a m vcvvccvvcccvvccccve

34 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 V C V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 1 2 V C C V V C C V 1 V C C V 2 2 s e a w e e d s e a w e e d c a n t e e n e x c e e d vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

35 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 What do you know about the highlighted spellings on the tree card?

36 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 2 Lesson 2 of 3

37 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 How does this sound-symbol card relate to the seven syllable types?

38 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 The E Teams When the ie vowel team found in the middle of a syllable, [e] is the captain of the team and makes its long sound. It is the only vowel team in which the second vowel speaks, as in brief. It also says long [e] at the end of multi- syllable words, as in cookie.

39 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV V C V V C V 1 2vcvvccvvcccvvccccv 12 p i x i e b e l i e f

40 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Our fourth syllable type is the Open Syllable.

41 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Our fourth syllable type is the Open Syllable. Closed Open bet be sock so in I

42 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 An Open Syllable ends with a single vowel and says its long name/sound. Open we go a j u m - b o

43 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV V C V V C V 1 2vcvvccvvcccvvccccv 12 p i x i e b e l i e f

44 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 V C V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 1 2 V C V V C V V C V 2 2 1 b e n e a t h b e n e a t h r e d e e m r e p e a t vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

45 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 What type of syllable is highlighted?

46 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 2 Lesson 3 of 3

47 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 What are the three conditions for long vowel sounds?

48 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV V C V V C V 1 2vcvvccvvcccvvccccv f l e e c y cycy

49 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Long e When y is at the end of a syllable it is a vowel. It says long /e/ at the end of a multisyllable word. -ey is our last e vowel team. It is found at the end of a syllable.

50 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 21 V C C V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 1 2 V C V V C V V C C V 2 m e d l e y m e d l e y g r e e d y c h i m n e y vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

51 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V VCCV POP QUIZ: POP QUIZ: Syllabicate this word. Show your work. Explain the two syllable types in this word. Write your answer in complete sentences. 1 V C C C V 2vcvvccvvcccvvccccv s c r e e n p l a y

52 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 3 Lesson 1 of 3

53 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 my smile pie high kind wild Classify the syllables in these spelling words. in 1 syllable words diet

54 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 There are some spelling words that make long /i/ sounds: -igh: high, right, sight, -ind: find, kind, mind -ild: child, mild, wild These spellings do not fit into a syllable type. We call them grapheme patterns.

55 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV V CV V CV 1 2 2 V C CV V C CV e a l i g h t 1 h e a d l i g h t vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

56 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 The ONLY vowel team that can make both a long sound and a short sound is ea. beach bread

57 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV V CV V CV 1 2 2 V C CV V C CV e 1 a l i g h t h e a d l i g h t vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

58 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 VCV 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 1 2 V CV V CV V C V 2 2 1vcvvccvvcccvvccccv t w i l i g h t t w i l i g h t d e l i g h t h i g h l i g h t

59 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Explain what you know about –igh. How is -igh similar to these spellings? -ind: find -ild: child

60 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 3 Lesson 2 of 3

61 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Explain what you know about the magic e, such as in this word. bike

62 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV V C C V V C C V 1 2 p r i z e f i g h t c a m p f i r e vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

63 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 COMPOUND WORDS What do these words mean? prize+ fight= prizefight head+ lamp= headlamp

64 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV V C C V V C C V 1 2 V C C CV V C C CV 1 2 p r i z e f i g h t vcvvccvvcccvvccccv c a m p f i r e

65 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 V CC V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 1 2 V C C V V C C V V C CV 2 2 1vcvvccvvcccvvccccv n i g h t t i m e n i g h t t i m e f i s h l i n e p i p e l i n e

66 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Explain the meaning of these compound words. night+ time= nighttime fish+ line= fishline pipe+ line= pipeline

67 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 3 Lesson 3 of 3

68 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Compare and contrast the highlighted spelling on these sound-spelling cards. The spellings are similar/different because…

69 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Because it is an open syllable, Y makes the long /e/ sound at the end of most polysyllable words, such as candy, fifty, and baby.

70 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Also, because it is an open syllable, Y makes the long /i/ sound at the end of most single syllable words such as in my, dry and cry.

71 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 SOMETIMES, Y makes the long /i/ sound at the end of some polysyllable words. When this happens, the second syllable is the one that is accented or stressed.

72 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV V C C CV V C C CV 1 2 s u p p l y vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

73 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 J u l y J u l y i m p l y d e n y V C V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 1 2 V C C C V V C C C V V C V 2 2 1vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

74 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V VCCV POP QUIZ: POP QUIZ: Syllabicate this word. Show your work. Explain why you divided the word where you did. Is it a compound word? If so, explain its meaning. 1 V CCV 2 s t r e e t l i g h t vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

75 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 4 Lesson 1 of 3

76 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 What is similar about the highlighted spellings on these sound- spelling cards?

77 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Look at these spelling words. Which one does not seem to fit? Why? grow, crow, snow, mow, bowl, stow -ow usually ends a syllable, but can come before the letter l. bowl

78 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV 2 V C V V C V 1 2 V C C C V V C C C V 1 s h a d o w s c a r e c r o w vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

79 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 V C CV 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 1 2 V CC V V CC V V C V 21 2 s n o w d r i f t s n o w d r i f t s h a l l o w b l o w h o l e vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

80 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 What type of syllable is highlighted? -owl

81 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 4 Lesson 2 of 3

82 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Contrast where in a word you would expect to find the vowel team spellings: oa and _ow.

83 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Take a close look at these words: bowbowl blowblown mowown While _ow is usually found at the end of a word/ syllable, it can be followed by l and n.

84 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 c o c o a 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV V C V V C V 1 2 1 2 s h o w b o a t vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

85 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 V C CV 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 1 2 V C C V V C C V V C V 21 2 s n o w f l a k e s n o w f l a k e r o a d s h o w r o w b o a t vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

86 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Which syllable type is not represented on the boat card?

87 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 4 Lesson 3 of 3

88 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 What can you infer about the highlighted spelling on this card? I can infer that…

89 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 -oe is a rare spelling. We see it in only a few words. Usually we find _oe at the end of one syllable words. doefoe hoeJoe toewoe

90 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 a l o e 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV 2 V C V V C V 1vcvvccvvcccvvccccv

91 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 V C C V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 1 2 V C C V V C C V V C V V C V 21 2vcvvccvvcccvvccccv b a c k h o e b a c k h o e t i p t o e o b o e

92 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 2 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V VCCV vcvvccvvcccvvccccv POP QUIZ: POP QUIZ: Syllabicate this word. Show your work. Is it a compound word? If so, explain its meaning. Write your answer in complete sentences. 1 V CC CV c o a s t l i n e

93 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 5 Lesson 1 of 3

94 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 What are the vowel teams on the cube card?

95 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 f u e l m u s e u m 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCVvcvvccvvcccvvccccv

96 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Our last cutting pattern is V/V. When two vowels stand beside each other but do not work together, they must be separated.

97 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 f u e l m u s e u m 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV V V 1 v v v c v v c c v v c c c v v c c c c v 2 V C V V V C V V 1 2 3 e

98 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 m u s i c m u s i c c u p i d h u m i d V CV 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 1 2 V C V V C V V C V 2 1 2 v v v c v v c c v v c c c v v c c c c v

99 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Where do you usually divide these cutting patterns? VV VCV VCCV VCCCV VCCCCV

100 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 5 Lesson 2 of 3

101 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Do you notice anything odd about the highlighted long u vowel team? It makes the long /u/ sound even though we do not see the letter [u].

102 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 1 v a l u e 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV 2 V C V V C V 1 u v v v c v v c c v v c c c v v c c c c v n e p h e w 2 V C V V C V

103 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Explain the spellings for /f/ on this card. The letter f is the most common spelling. Sometimes /f/ is lucky and gets an extra letter. -ff is used at the end of one syllable words with short vowels. The ph spelling is used in words with Greek origins.

104 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 r e s c u e r e s c u e m i l d e w m i s c u e V C C V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 V C C V 2 1 2 v v v c v v c c v v c c c v v c c c c v V C C V 2 1

105 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Treasures Grade 2 Unit 2 Week 5 Lesson 3 of 3

106 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 What is the relationship between the highlighted sound-symbol pattern and the seven syllable types?

107 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 a c c u s e 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V GUIDED PRACTICE VCCV 2 V C C V V C C V 1 v v v c v v c c v v c c c v v c c c c v e

108 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 c a p s u l e c a p s u l e c o n f u s e r e b u k e V C C V 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V INDEPENDENT PRACTICE VCCV 1 12 V C C V V C C V V C V 2 1 2 v v v c v v c c v v c c c v v c c c c v e

109 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 e x c u s e 1.Underline 2.Swoop 3.Divide 4.Mark 5.Blend V V VCCV POP QUIZ: POP QUIZ: Syllabicate this word. Show your work. Explain the spelling of /k/ in this word. Write your answer in complete sentences. 1 V C C V 2 v v v c v v c c v v c c c v v c c c c v

110 Judy Fuhrman 4/13 Words For Extra Practice mailbox mayhemsucceed seagull volumeexcrete comfy gulleydiesel baggie relieftightrope headstand twilightreply minnow snowdrifthollow seacoast tugboataboard tundra concealphoto

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