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G UTSY G IRLS By: Talia L, Caroline C, Anna C, Natalie E, and Maria S.

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1 G UTSY G IRLS By: Talia L, Caroline C, Anna C, Natalie E, and Maria S


3 D IANA S ILBERGELD THE W ORLD T RAVELER One of my favorite girls in this book was the world traveler she was my favorite because Diana went all over the world and helped people with her family. She was building a school and was teaching kid how to speak English. Also when Diana was staying the night with a host family she didn't care if she had to sleep on dirt floors or didn’t shower for a week. It is amazing what she did and how she helped so many people. Bottom Row Under girl in blue shirt

4 M ERRICK J OHNSTON THE M OUNTAIN C LIMBER My other favorite in this book was the Mountain Climber. Her whole life she wanted to climb a mountain and she did. When her mom said that she could go she started training right away. Merrick had a very interesting adventure. One time she slipped but got hold of her mothers ax which was stuck in the ice. She couldn’t get up but some of her gear was around her neck like her Swiss army knife. No one could hear her because a whiteout was happening (that is when the wind is blowing the snow hard and you can’t see anything). I really liked her story I am thinking about doing some thing like it one day. Merrick in orange coat


6 S USIE M ARONEY Susie Maroney was my all time favorite. She is my favorite because she has a lot of courage. Courage is so important to have and by reading her story I can tell she defiantly has courage. She swam from Mexico to Cuba then Cuba to Florida(not all at once) in a shark cage to protect her self from sharks but just cause she is in a cage does not mean other sea creatures can’t get to her. After her long swims she would have jelly fish stings all over her. Also she wasn’t afraid when she saw a 14 ft. long hammerhead shark. That is why I love Susie!

7 R ACHEL C OOK THE TEEN ATHLETE OF THE YEAR I thought that Rachel’s story was also really cool because she did so many sports and then she decided to enter a contest and she won so out of 4,000 people Rachel did a good job. Her hobbies are basketball, track and field, softball, cheerleading, modeling, and student ambassador


9 S USIE M ARONEY THE OPEN WATER MARATHON SWIMMER Susie is my favorite because she is daring, brave and has a lot of confidence. Susie swam from Mexico to Cuba and then Cuba to Florida! That is a lot of swimming!

10 D IANA S ILBERGELD She is my favorite because I liked how she was not afraid of anything. She would sleep on dirt floors, go in an outhouse and did all that just to build a school for poor kids Pakistan. Bottom Row Under girl in blue shirt


12 S USIE M ARONEY THE OPEN WATER MARATHON SWIMMER I liked this chapter about Susie because she did something that an average human would not do. Susie swam across the ocean non-stop from Mexico to Cuba, and broke two world records. She was very brave throughout the whole trip and she had done an amazing thing.

13 N AHARA R ODRIGUEZ THE COURAGE AWARD WINNER I liked this chapter about Susie because she went through a lot of bad things and was very brave. Nahara got in a car crash and got paralyzed, and the doctors said that she wouldn’t be able to walk for the rest of her life, but amazingly she was able to walk and swim.


15 L ESLEE O LSON THE SNOWBOARDER I liked the snow border Leslee Olson. I liked her because she believed in her self. She chose not going to collage to keep pursuing her dream. She also helped raise money for breast cancer.

16 S USIE M ARONEY THE OPEN WATER MARATHON SWIMMER My absolute favorite girl is the open marathon swimmer Susie Maroney I liked her because even though the first time she didn’t make it she kept on doing what she loves and tried again.

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