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Superconducting Corrector Magnet Progress Report P. Wanderer Superconducting Magnet Div; Dec. 15, 2007 T2K US B280 collaboration meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Superconducting Corrector Magnet Progress Report P. Wanderer Superconducting Magnet Div; Dec. 15, 2007 T2K US B280 collaboration meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Superconducting Corrector Magnet Progress Report P. Wanderer Superconducting Magnet Div; Dec. 15, 2007 T2K US B280 collaboration meeting

2 What’s Needed Dipole correctors: –Corrector = vertical + horizontal windings, one wound over the other –Three correctors to install + two spares –Overall Schedule: Prototype (= 1 spare) now at KEK #1, #2 – January, February #3 – may be later (depends on #1, #2 actual schedule) #4 – spare  more flexible schedule

3 Corrector Parameters - NbTi superconducting wire, 0.33 mm Ø (used for RHIC correctors) –  Bdl = 0.1 T·m; L magnetic = 522 mm –B peak = 0.2 T, B quench > 6T  Significant temperature margin for operation –I op = 43A –Inner diameter = 150 mm –Slot length = 800 mm –Located between main magnets  conduction cooling  thick-walled Cu tube

4 Coil Winding Precision semi-automatic winding machine developed for other projects.

5 Winding the 1 st magnet

6 Corrector Status #1: test completed 12/11 – magnet ok #2: construction completed #3: 3 of 4 layers have been wound #4: copper support tube insulated

7 Completed magnet

8 First magnet under test

9 #1 – test results, next steps Operating current: 43A Test results: both coils reached max test current (60A) powered separately and together in both configurations without quenching. Next: warm measurements (finish by 12/31). The shipping crate has been built.

10 $ and ¥ ¥: KEK to pay $140,000 toward correctors in exchange for equal purchases by T2K in Japan (1  2 correctors) $: $190,000 loan from BNL HEP program for R&D magnets $: T2K DOE construction funds will repay BNL HEP and cover the remaining construction cost

11 Administrative Summary No major cost overruns or schedule slippage

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