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Expected rates for various targets
For a heavy target nucleus such as Xe, a very low recoil energy threshold is crucial. The expected rate, integrated above threshold of ~16 keV is 1 events/ kg/day
WIMP Direct Searches with Recoil Discrimination
Electron vs Nuclear Recoil Discrimination
Electron vs Nuclear Recoil Discrimination (Direct & Proportional Scintillation ) Measure both direct scintillation(S1) and charge (proportional scintillation) (S2) Dual Phase Detection Principle Common to All LXe DM Projects Nuclear recoil from WIMP Neutron Electron recoil from gamma Electron Alpha Gas ~1μs anode grid Proportional scintillation depends on type of recoil and applied electric field. electron recoil → S2 >> S1 nuclear recoil → S2 < S1 but detectable if E large Drift Time e- E Liquid ~40ns cathode
The XENON TPC Signals Three distinct signals associated with typical event. Amplification of primary scintillation light with CsI photocathode important for low threshold and for triggering. Event depth of interaction (Z) from timing and XY-location from center of gravity of secondary light signals on PMTs array. Effective background rejection direct consequence of 3D event localization (TPC)
The XENON Experiment : Design Overview
The XENON design is modular. An array of 10 independent 3D position sensitive LXeTPC modules, each with a 100 kg active Xe mass, is used to make the 1-tonne scale experiment. The fiducial LXe volume of each module is self-shielded by additional LXe. The thickness of the active shield will be optimized for effective charged and neutral background rejection. One common vessel of ~ 60 cm diameter and 60 cm height is used to house the TPC teflon and copper rings structure filled with the 100 kg Xe target and the shield LXe (~50 kg ). SAGENAP Review of the XENON Project, March 12-13, 2002
A Liquid Xenon Time Projection Chamber for Gamma-Ray Astrophysics
The Columbia 10 liter LXeTPC
30 kg active Xe mass 20 x 20 cm2 active area 8 cm drift with 4 kV/cm Charge and Light readout 128 wires/anodes digitizers 4UV PMTs
ZEPLIN II ZEPLIN IV 30 kg 1000 kg The latest design as at DM2002
The LXe Program at Boulby
The LXe Program at Kamioka
XMASS Cold finger present with new PMTs no rejec. gas filling line Wire set (Grid1,Anode Grid2) with 99% rejection PTFE Teflon (Reflector) Gas Xe MgF2 Window with Ni mesh (cathode) Liq. Xe(1kg) 9.5 cm Drift OFHC vessel (5cm) PMT
… and for Solar n and 0nbb Decay
Ionization and Scintillation in Liquid Xenon
I/S (electron) >> I/S (non relativistic particle) Alpha scintillation Electron charge L/L0 or Q/Q0 (%) electron scintillation Alpha charge Electric Field (kV/cm)
The XENON TPC: Principle of Operation
30 cm drift gap to maximize active target long electron lifetime in LXe demonstrated 5 kV/cm drift field to detect small charge from nuclear recoils internal HV multiplier (Cockroft Walton type) Electrons extraction into gas phase to detect charge via proportional scintillation (~1000 UV g/e/cm) demonstrated Internal CsI photocathode with QE~31% (Aprile et al. NIMA 338,1994) to enhance direct light signal and thus lower threshold demonstrated PMTs readout inside the TPC for direct and secondary light need PMTs with low activity from U/Th/K
Detection of LXe Light with a CsI Photocathode
Stable performance of reflective CsI photocathodes with high QE of 31% in LXe has been demonstrated by the Columbia measurements CsI photocathodes can be made in any size/shape with uniform response, and are inexpensive. LXe negative electron affinity Vo(LXe)= eV and the applied electric field explain the favorable electron extraction at the CsI-liquid interface. Aprile et al. NIMA 338(1994) Aprile et al. NIMA 343(1994)
Assumptions Light Collection Efficiency: MonteCarlo Wph : 13 eV
lph: 1.7 m Quenching Factor: 25% Q.E. of PMTs: 26% Q.E. of CsI : 31% R.E of Teflon Wall: 90% Mass of Liquid Xe: 100 kg 37 PMTs (2 inch) array
Simulation Results A 16 keV (true) nuclear recoil gives ~ 24 photoelectrons. The CsI readout contributes the largest fraction of them. Multiplication in the gas phase gives a strong secondary scintillation pulse for triggering on 2-3 PMTs. Coincidence of direct PMTs sum signal and amplified light signal from CsI Main Trigger is the last signal in time sequence post-triggered digitizer read out Trigger threshold can be set very low because of low event rate and small number of signals to digitize. PMTs at low temperature low noise. Even w/o CsI (replaced by reflector) we still expect ~6 pe . Several possible ways to improve light collection.
Summary of Previous Nuclear Recoil Measurements (Quenching Factor)
previous measurements have wide scatter no measurements at all at low energies results consistent with Lindhard theory
We have experience measuring neutron-nuclear recoil efficiency
typical setup for measurement of nuclear recoil scintillation efficiency at University of Sheffield measured low energy nuclear recoil efficiency of liquid scintillator Hong, Hailey et. al., J. AstroParticle Physics 2001 2.9 MeV neutron beam
Why Do Nuclear Recoil Scintillation Efficiency Measurements?
Confirm that measured efficiency at higher energies extends down to lowest energies of interest to a WIMP search Confirm result in our particular experimental configuration. Results can vary with Xe purity, light collection efficiency etc. Measure true nuclear recoil scintillation pulse shapes
Charge readout with GEMs: a promising alternative
High gain in pure Xe with 3GEMs demonstrated Coating of GEMs with CsI 2D readout for mm resolution See Bondar et al.,Vienna01
XENON Technical Heritage: LXeGRIT
A 30 kg Liquid Xenon Time Projection Chamber developed with NASA support. 3D imaging detector with good spectroscopy is the basis of the balloon-borne LXeGRIT, a novel Compton Telescope for MeV Gamma- Ray Astrophysics. The LXeTPC operation and response to gamma-rays successfully tested in the lab and in the harsh conditions of a near space environment. Road to LXeGRIT: extensive R&D to study LXe ionization and scintillation properties, purification techniques to achieve long electron drift for large volume application, energy resolution and 3D imaging resolution studies, electron mobility etc.
High Purity Xenon for Long Electron Drift and Energy Resolution
And the power of Compton Imaging
Compton Imaging of MeV g-ray Sources
3D capability for event discrimination: Flight Data
LXeGRIT inflight energy spectra
From the Lab to the Sky: The Balloon-Borne Liquid Xenon Gamma-Ray Imaging Telescope (LXeGRIT) LXeGRIT inflight energy spectra Atm/Cosmic Diffuse MC simulation and Data Compton Imaging Events
Background Considerations for XENON
and induced background 85Kr (1/2=10.7y): 85Kr/Kr 2 x in air giving ~1Bq/m3 Standard Xe gas contains ~ 10ppm of Kr10 Hz from 85Kr decays in 1 liter of LXe. Allowing <1 85Kr decay/day i n XENON energy band <1 ppb level of Kr in Xe 136Xe 2 decay (1/2=8 x 1021y): with Q= 2.48 MeV expected rate in XENON is 1 x 10-6 cts/kg/d/keV before any rejection Neutron induced background Muon induced neutrons: spallation of 136Xe and 134Xe take 10 mb and Homestake 4.4 kmwe estimate 6 x 10-5 cts/kg/d before any rejection reduce by muon veto with 99% efficiency (,n) neutrons from rock: 1000/n/m2/d from (,n) reactions from U/Th of rock appropriate shield reduces this background to 1 x 10-6 cts/kg/d/keV Neutrons from U/Th of detector materials: within shield, neutrons from U/Th of detector components and vessel give 5 x 10-5 cts/kg/d/keV lower it by x10 with materials selection
Background Considerations for XENON
-rays from U/Th/K contamination in PMTs and detector components dominate the background rate. For the PMTs contribution we have assumed a low activity version of the Hamamatsu R6041 ( 100 cts/d ) consistent with recent measurements in Japan with a Hamamatsu R7281Q developed for the XMASS group (Moriyama et al., Xenon01 Workshop). Numbers are based on Homestake location and reflect 99.5% background rejection but no reduction due to 3D imaging and active LXe shield.
How is XENON different from other Liquid Xe Projects?
Signals from 1kg XMASS Prototype
42000photon/MeV Decay time nsec direct direct direct proportional drift time drift time proportional
XMASS Recoil /γ ray Separation
>99% γ ray rejection 22 keV gamma ray Proportional scintillation(S2) Recoil Xenon (neutron source) Direct scintillation(S1) (Ref. JPS vol.53,No 3,1998, S.Suzuki)
XMASS: low activity PMT development
57 Co (122keV) σ/E = 15 % 2.4 [p.e./keV] at 250[V/cm] counts with R7281MgF2 (Q.E.30%) (HAMAMATSU(prototype) A low activity version of this tube shows ~4.5× Bq! p.e. 137Cs 662keV Towards a 20 kg Detector counts p.e.
Answer to Question LXe long recognized as promising WIMP target for a large scale experiment with relatively simple technology. So far however development effort has been subcritical. Low energy threshold and background rejection capability yet to be fully demonstrated. Recent move to an underground lab - 1 kg XMASS detector in Kamioka- an important milestone. Scale up to a 20 kg detector of same design (7 PMTs vs 1) started. UCLA ZEPLIN II is similar in size and design to XMASS: drift in LXe over ~ 10 cm with low electric. Secondary light pulse from low energy nuclear recoils hard to detect. Scale up to 1 tonne with a monolithic detector (ZEPLIN IV) too risky and unpractical. UKDM ZEPLIN III better discrimination power and lower threshold due to high electric field. Design does not present an easy scale up from 6 kg to sizable modules of order 100 kg. XENON combines the best of the techniques with a design which can be easily scaled. Strength of experience with a 30 kg LXeTPC for gamma ray astrophysics + critical mass at Columbia with collaborators key experiences in DM searches.
XENON Phase 1 Study: 10 kg Chamber
Demonstrate electron drift over 30 cm (Columbia) Measure nuclear recoil efficiency in LXe (Columbia) Demonstrate HV multiplier design (Columbia) Measure gain in Xe with multi GEMs (Rice and Princeton) Test alternative to PMTs, i.e. LAAPDs (Brown) Selection and test of detector materials (LLNL) Monte Carlo simulations for detector design and background studies (Columbia /Princeton/Brown) Study Kr removal techniques (Princeton) Characterize 10 kg detector response and with g and neutron sources (Entire Collaboration)
What next? XENON and NUSL
The result of the 2yr Phase 1 will be a working 10 kg prototype with demonstrated low ER threshold and recoil discrimination capability. Its move to a deep underground location will initiate science return. Phase 2 is for construction and operation of a 100 kg module as 1st step towards 1 tonne. We plan to seek DOE and NSF support and more collaborators By this time the situation of a NUSL will be clear. If NUSL is delayed, several alternative locations possible ( Boulby, GS, WIPP, etc.)…but deeper the better..
Summary Liquid Xenon is an excellent detector material well suited for the large target mass required for a sensitive Dark Matter experiment. The XENON experiment is proposed as an array of ten independent, self shielded, 3D position sensitive LXeTPCs each with 100 kg active mass. The detector design, largely based on established technology and >10 yrs experience with LXe detectors development at Columbia, maximizes the fiducial volume and the signal information useful to distinguish the rare WIMP events from the large background. With a total mass of 1-tonne, a nuclear recoil discrimination > 99.5% and a threshold of ~ 16 keV, XENON expected sensitivity of events/kg/day in 3 yrs operation, will cover most SUSY predictions.
XENON Organization Subsystem responsibility is allocated amongst the team of experienced co-investigators.
XENON Management Approach
Phase I of the XENON project spans a 2 year period from the funding start date. This instrument development effort has the focused goal of a clear demonstration of the capabilities of a 10 kg LXe detector for a sensitive Dark Matter search. The 10 kg prototype defines the roadmap to the Phase II development of a 100 kg detector as one unit of a 1 tonne scale XENON experiment. In complexity, the XENON Phase I development does not exceed the NASA funded LXeGRIT experiment and we adopt the successful practices developed during this project. We have the required critical mass with extensive expertise in LXe detector technology and other areas relevant to a Dark Matter experiment. This, plus sensible management practices will insure meeting the milestones promised by the end of the 2nd year of Phase I.
Management Activities
To coordinate the efforts and insure the appropriate level of communication and exchange of information between the Columbia team and team members at Brown, Princeton, Rice, and LLNL the PI will: organize bi-weekly videoconference meetings obtain monthly progress reports on all sub systems organize semi annual project reviews with participation of collaborators and external advisors prepare yearly progress reports for NSF encourage student/minority involvement in the research take full responsibility for the key deliverables to NSF by end of Phase I
Development Schedule Year 1 activities concentrate on:
Monte Carlo simulations to guide the design Gas system construction and testing Neutron recoil efficiency measurements Baseline detector development Alternative detector development Materials selection and testing
Development Schedule (2)
Year 2 activities concentrate on: Build of the 10kg prototype Demonstration of Krypton reduction Design of the 100kg instrument End of Phase I results in near final design of 100kg module and demonstration of all key technologies in the 10 kg prototype.
Team Members Expertise
Budget Details Year 1 request 823k$ Year 2 request 873k$
Budget breakout (of 2 year total) is consistent with our fast track development of a working prototype
Team Members Presentations
Materials Selection and Testing
Bill Craig (LLNL) Candidate material selection will begin with study of existing databases assembled for other projects. LLNL personnel (Craig, Ziock) are associated with ongoing projects requiring low background and will use this existing infrastructure to do testing of candidate materials. Close coupling between this effort and the XENON 10/100 kg design team to ensure optimal material choices are incorporated as quickly as possible.
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