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Derbyshire Dignity Campaign – the background Nov 2006 National Dignity in Care Campaign based on a 10 point challenge. Focussed originally on older people.

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1 Derbyshire Dignity Campaign – the background Nov 2006 National Dignity in Care Campaign based on a 10 point challenge. Focussed originally on older people Sir Michael Parkinson highlighted the carers view Dignity champions encouraged. Hundreds of initiatives evident on Social Care Inst for Excellence website Plenty happening in Derbyshire e.g. through Safeguarding Partnership; training; dignity questions in surveys and individual reviews; specific initiatives; focus groups; local champions. Driven by Care Quality Commission attention to ‘dignity and respect’ outcomes Driven too by ‘bad news’

2 Derbyshire Dignity Campaign Derbyshire Campaign - launched 25 February 2011 by Adult Care and Derbyshire NHS. Dignity Policy - consistent Adult Care & NHS versions. Dignity Champions - all teams should have one Dignity Standards - Bronze, Silver and Gold Standards.

3 Dignity in Care 10 Point Challenge 1.Zero tolerance of all abuse. 2.Support people with same respect you want for self/ family. 3.Treat as an individual, offering personalised service. 4.Enable people to maintain maximum independence, choice and control. 5.Listen & support people to express needs and wants. 6.Respect right to privacy. 7.People able to complain without fear of retribution. 8.Engage with family and carers as partners. 9.Assist people to maintain confidence and a positive self-esteem. 10. Alleviate loneliness and isolation.

4 EXAMPLE: STANDARD 2. Support people with the same respect … (prompts relate to CQC outcome 1) People are supported and enabled to make informed decisions through provision of accessible information. The team manager ensures team standards for dignity are at the ‘same as you want for yourself’ level at all times e.g. through observation and practice. People are involved in how the service is run. Ask every time ‘is this the best we can do?’

5 Diary Date: Showcase Event 1st November 2011 2pm Members Room Matlock Website: >social care & health>independent providers> dignity & respect Any queries please contact:

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