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What is Pride? I I R D I R D E P I R D E Points fingers.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Pride? I I R D I R D E P I R D E Points fingers."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Pride? I

3 I R D

4 I R D E P

5 I R D E Points fingers

6 What is Pride? I self-Righteous D E Points fingers

7 What is Pride? I self-Righteous D E Points fingers

8 What is Pride? I self-Righteous Deceives E Points fingers

9 What is Pride? I self-Righteous Deceives Entitled Points fingers

10 Bad Pride vs. Good Pride Bad Pride = taking credit for work that’s rightfully God’s Good pride = rightfully praising God for His handiwork in you

11 What’s wrong with bad pride? God hates it – Proverbs 6:16-17, Proverbs 8:13, Proverbs 16:5 It is like cancer in your friendship with God – Ezekiel 28:17, Psalm 101:5, Proverbs 28:9 It is like cancer in your friendships with others – Proverbs 13:10, Proverbs 28:25, Galatians 5:26 It leads to other bad behaviors – Gossip, boasting, jealousy, lying, cheating, debt…

12 What are antidotes for pride? Humility – say sorry and mean it Challenge: apologize with no excuses Gratitude – say thank you often Challenge: give thanks for something you usually complain about Service – even small acts of kindness count Challenge: hold the door open for someone Prayer – ask God for help Challenge: Pray Psalm 139:23-24 “Search me thoroughly, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! See if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Amplified Bible


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