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Warm Up Prepare for Notes. Jackson Battles the Bank.

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1 Warm Up Prepare for Notes


3 Jackson Battles the Bank


5 Election of 1832 1832 – Jackson’s opponents put forth issue of Bank of US Jackson disliked Nicholas Biddle Biddle applied early for renewal Jackson Vetos



8 The Bank Battle Henry Clay seen as person enemy of Jackson Tries to re-charter Bank and make it issue of election

9 Election of 1832 Jackson wins reelection Martin Van Buren from NY for VP Bank not issue in election most supported Jackson Jackson withdraws all funds from Bank Biddle closes bank in 1836




13 Political Cartoon Activity We have seen many examples of political cartoons today Your goal is to create a political cartoon of an event in Andrew Jackson’s presidency

14 Warm Up

15 Election of 1836 Martin Van Buren for Democrats New political party called Whigs ran several candidates

16 The Van Buren Presidency 2 months into office economy hit with depression Panic of 1837 Van Buren a laissez-faire Sets up Federal Treasury


18 Election of 1840 Whigs have a shot after economic woes Rerun William Henry Harrison Log cabin Campaign

19 William Henry Harrison

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