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Chapter 15 Road to the Civil War. Section 1: Slavery and the West Missouri Compromise: Afraid to upset the balance between slave and free states.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15 Road to the Civil War. Section 1: Slavery and the West Missouri Compromise: Afraid to upset the balance between slave and free states."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15 Road to the Civil War

2 Section 1: Slavery and the West Missouri Compromise: Afraid to upset the balance between slave and free states

3 Sectionalism Exaggerated loyalty to a particular region of the country

4 Clay’s Proposal Missouri Compromise: Preserved the balance between slave and free states in the Senate. 1. Maine comes in as free state 2. Missouri comes in Union as slave state

5 New Western Lands Texas New Mexico California Issue Slave or Free state?

6 Conflicting View What do you do we do with the land we won from Mexico in the Mexican War? Slave or Free ?????

7 Wilmot Proviso It sailed that slavery should be prohibited in any lands that might be acquired by Mexico Southerners hated this! Northerners thought it was a great idea. It sailed through the House of Representative but failed in the Senate. Why?

8 John C. Calhoun He believed that Congress should not regulate the decision of slavery for the new western lands.

9 Free Soil Party Political party formed to keep slavery out of the new western lands Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor, and Free Men Their 1848 candidate was former president Martin Van Buren

10 Whigs Whigs 1848 candidate was Zachary Taylor He took no position on slavery Debate over slavery was too controversial

11 Zachary Taylor Won Why?

12 California California in 1850 wanted to apply for statehood. Why and why was it controversial?

13 The Compromise of 1850 Henry Clay presented a compromise to the crisis of California wanting statehood 1. California will be a free state 2. New Mexico Territory would have no restrictions on slavery: Popular Sovereignty 3. New-Mexico-Texas border dispute will be settled in favor of New Mexico 4. Slave trade in Washington, DC will be abolished 5. The Fugitive Slave Law: Hated!

14 Fugitive Slave Law If you are caught helping a run away slave, you can be fined or imprisoned. Slaves must be returned to their owners Northerners hated this law!

15 Compromise of 1850 Many Southerners threatened to secede from Union if this was passed President Taylor threatened South with force if they try to secede President Taylor dies Millard Fillmore becomes new President Unlike Taylor, he supported this compromise

16 Fillmore called this a “Final Settlement” But is it?

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