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1 MACROECONOMIC STATISTICS: Russia Population: 142.35 million people. Below are the data provided by The Economist Intelligence Unit. 20042005200620082010.

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Presentation on theme: "1 MACROECONOMIC STATISTICS: Russia Population: 142.35 million people. Below are the data provided by The Economist Intelligence Unit. 20042005200620082010."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MACROECONOMIC STATISTICS: Russia Population: 142.35 million people. Below are the data provided by The Economist Intelligence Unit. 20042005200620082010 Labor Force, m73.4073.8073.8873.7073.92 Unemployment, % 8.187.587.006.306.00 Lending Interest Rate, % 11.4010.6810.708.007.00 GDP per Head, USD 4,1045,3476,8508,76010,290 Consumer Prices (% change, end- period, pa) 11.6310.909.60*8.007.00 * According to public official sources, inflation was 7.2% in the first 9 months of 2006 and only 0.1% in September. Expected annual rate will not exceed 9% in 2006.

2 2 MACROECONOMIC STATISTICS: Russia continued Standard & Poor’s increased the country’s rating from BBB to BBB+ on foreign currency obligations and from BBB+ to A- on national currency obligations (information as of September 2006). Alexey Kudrin: 6.6% GDP increase by the end of 2006 and 6% by the end of 2007. GDP increase in 2006: UK – 2.6%, USA – 2.9%, Japan – 2.7%, China – 10%, Ukraine – 5% (IMF data). German Gref: personal income in the first half of the year rose by 11.1% while the salary rose by 12.1%.

3 3 MACROECONOMIC STATISTICS: Russia completed Consumer finance market (includes all areas of consumer lending: auto loans, mortgage loans, other consumer credits) rose by 20% in the first half of 2006. Auto loan market volume exceeds $3 billion (open sources). Mortgage financing market volume will exceed $4.9 billion in 2006 (CMB’s forecast). CBR: volume of mortgage loans increased by 7.5 times from 2003 to 2005 and doubled in the first half of 2006. Credit institutions increased their profit from $3.3 billion in the first half of 2005 to $5.5 billion in the first half of 2006 (The Economist Intelligence Unit Report).

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