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Presentation on theme: "Minerals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minerals

2 What are Minerals? Solid materials of Earth’s crust
Can be made of 1 element or chemical compounds (2 or more elements chemically combined) No 2 are exactly alike

3 Properties of Minerals
Color the color of a fresh surface Luster The way light bounces off a mineral Metallic vs. nonmetallic

4 Properties of Minerals
Streak Color of the powder left when a minerals is rubbed against a hard surface Hardness How well a mineral resists scratching

5 Properties of Minerals
Cleavage The tendency of a mineral to break along flat surfaces Magnetic Attracted by a magnet Density The amount of mass in a given volume

6 How Do Minerals Form? Where are they found? How are they formed?
In the ground How are they formed? Magma cools and hardens into a solid They connect in a pattern forming crystals Heat and pressure form them deep in Earth Crystals can form from the cooling of hot water Ocean water evaporates to form minerals

7 What Are Minerals Used For?
Minerals combine to form almost everything around you. Ore A mineral that contains a useful substance Metals come from ores Gem Minerals that are valued for being rare and beautiful

8 What Are Minerals Used For?
Nails Buildings Ships Foil Cans Pie Tins Wire Jets Spacecraft Jewelry Salt Teeth fillings Powder Toothpaste China Dishes Cars Newspaper Makeup And Much More!

9 Why Does It Matter? Nonrenewable resources Conserve
It takes a long time to form and cannot be replaced in your lifetime Conserve Use wisely or avoid wasting Recycle

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