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48 year old man Recurrent tachy episodes Normal echo Inputs from Chandrashekhar.

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1 48 year old man Recurrent tachy episodes Normal echo Inputs from Chandrashekhar

2 AP location? Right anterior/anteroseptal. No r in V1-V3 favours a Para-His location, as does the negative delta in III (see next slide)

3 Electrocardiographic Characteristics and Catheter Ablation of Parahissian Accessory Pathways Michel Haissaguerre, Frank Marcus, Franck Poquet, Laurent Gencel, Philippe Le Metayer, Jacques Clementy (Circulation. 1994;90:1124-1128.) During maximal preexcitation, the ECG showed a positive delta wave in leads I, II, and aVF in all patients: six had a negative delta wave in leads V, and V2 instead of the positivity usually observed in anteroseptal accessory pathways. This pattern had a sensitivity of 75%, a specificity of 96%, a positive predictive value of 86%, and a negative predictive value of 93% for a parahissian location in comparison with a group of 28 patients with anteroseptal accessory pathways. The delta wave in lead III was isoelectric or negative in six (75%) parahissian APs and seven (25%) anteroseptal APs (P=.01).

4 Any further insight @ AP location? Not really. The V in HIS channels is not early (Delta-V=0). However, the His catheter location is not clear

5 Route of VA conduction? Concentric, non-decremental. Any other way to clarify? We can do para-Hisian pacing

6 D/D? P soon after QRS, best seen in V1 – ORT/atypical AVNRT/AT

7 Analyse - His D A is earlier than all other, VA interval is more than 70 ms

8 Diagnosis clinched? Almost. His refractory VPD preexcites the A. However, no tachy reset (His refractory VPD preexcites the A are equal)

9 Any more confirmation now? Yes. Reset seen here.

10 Interpret - V pacing during the tachycardia. Wavefront entered the circuit immediately (2nd complex after starting V pacing). On stopping V Pacing: VAV sequence is seen. The corrected PPI - TCL < 110 ms; Stim to A (during V pacing) - VA during tachycardia < 85 ms. All in favour of ORT.

11 Comment on the RF signal. RF D showing short VA with RFD A in line with the A in His D. Likely site? The site is very close to the His recording site or from the non/right aortic coronary sinus junction. Actually it was from the NCS-RCS junction. Test RF pulse here was ineffective.

12 Good RF signal? Better than the previous location. RFD showing almost continuous electrical activity, A earlier than in HISD (see the unipolar for A onset). Miniscule His signal in RFD. Likely site? May be from the NCS-RCS or very close to the His recording site

13 RF site- RAO 30. SR0 sheath used for stability

14 RF site- LAO 40

15 RF energy…. clean termination of the tachycardia in the retrograde direction (AP)

16 After ablation - V pacing showing VA block

17 Adenosine after ablation – atrial pacing showing AV block

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