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 Please get out your “Stopping by Woods” notes and questions. o Please define the following terms: Explicit & Implicit o What is the difference between.

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Presentation on theme: " Please get out your “Stopping by Woods” notes and questions. o Please define the following terms: Explicit & Implicit o What is the difference between."— Presentation transcript:

1  Please get out your “Stopping by Woods” notes and questions. o Please define the following terms: Explicit & Implicit o What is the difference between finding the explicit and implicit meanings in a poem? P.s. You will need your books today.  Pd. 1, 2, 3, 4

2  Please get out your “Acquainted with the Night” notes and questions. o Please define the following terms: Explicit & Implicit o What is the difference between finding the explicit and implicit meanings in a poem? P.s. You will need your books today.  Pd. 7, 9

3  EQ: How can we use textual evidence to support analysis of what Robert Frost says both explicitly and implicitly in his poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening?”  Agenda o Bell Ringer: Reviewing Vocab o Agenda/EQ Notes o “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” Literary Terms Notes Analysis Questions o “Acquainted with the Night” Analysis Questions

4  Essential Question: How can we use textual evidence to support analysis of what Robert Frost says both explicitly and implicitly in his poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening?” o Analysis: the process or result of identifying the parts of a whole and their relationships to one another. o Explicit: clearly expressed or fully stated in the actual text. o Implicit: though unexpressed in the actual text, meaning that may be understood by the reader; implied.

5 Please turn to your partner and answer this question after the video: How did Robert Frost’s work come to represent a transitional time in America’s History?

6 o Stanza: a group of lines in a poem that are considered to be a unit, function like paragraphs, states and develops a single main idea o Quatrain: a four-line stanza How many stanzas (quatrains) are there in this poem?

7 o Meter: a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables o Foot: the basic unit of meter, usually one stressed syllable and one or more unstressed syllables. o Iamb: the most common foot, one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. How many feet (iambs) are in each line of this poem? Why do you think Frost chose to use this quick, bouncing rhythm? What sound could he be trying to reproduce?

8 o Rhyme Scheme: a regular pattern of rhyming words in a poem, use a letter of the alphabet to represent each rhyming sound in a poem or stanza. What rhyme scheme does this poem use? Stanza 1: Stanza 2: Stanza 3: Stanza 4:

9 o Speaker: The voice used by an author to tell/narrate a story or poem. The speaker is often a created identity, and should not automatically be equated with the author. Who is the speaker in this poem? (age, gender, occupation, potential back story)

10 o Setting Where and when does poem take place? o Summary Summarize what happens in the poem in 20 words.

11  Please get out your Winter Story. o If you need to print, get a pass from my desk and fill it out for the library. o If you don’t need to print, read through your papers one last time and fix any errors that you find. Pd. 6

12  EQ: How do authors use narrative techniques to convey a vivid picture of experiences, events, settings, and characters?  Agenda o Bell Ringer – Printing, Editing o Agenda/EQ o Story Sharing Reading in Small Groups Completing Group Reading Entries

13  Get into pairs (1 group of 3)  For each story, make a new entry on a sheet of composition paper.  Record this information to complete each entry: o Title: o Author: o Summary: (two – three sentences) o Best piece of sensory description: o Best line of dialogue: o Overall rating of story: o Explanation of rating:  We will be reading 4-5 stories.

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