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Microsoft Access.  What is Data ?  Data vs. Information  Database History.  What is a Database?  Examples for Small and Large Databases.  Types.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Access.  What is Data ?  Data vs. Information  Database History.  What is a Database?  Examples for Small and Large Databases.  Types."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Access

2  What is Data ?  Data vs. Information  Database History.  What is a Database?  Examples for Small and Large Databases.  Types of Database.  The main 4 objects in Access.  Data Types used in Access.

3 What is Data ? raw facts no context just numbers and text Data is raw, unorganized facts that need to be processed. Data can be something simple and seemingly random and useless until it is organized.

4 What is Information? data with context processed data value-added to data summarized organized analyzed When data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make it useful, it is called Information. Data vs. Information

5 Data: 51007 Information: 5/10/07 The date of your final exam. $51,007 The average starting salary of an accounting major.

6 Data vs. Information Data 6.34 6.45 6.39 6.62 6.57 6.64 6.71 6.82 7.12 7.06 Information

7 Data  Information  Knowledge Data Information Summarizing the data Averaging the data Selecting part of the data Graphing the data Adding context Adding value

8 Before Computers people used to use paper ledgers or Index card paper ledger Index card As a Database

9 l your personal address book in a Word document. l a collection of Word documents. l a collection of Excel Spreadsheets. l data collected, maintained, and used in airline reservation. So database is An organized Collection of information.

10 Example For Small Database Telephone bills Electricity bills And To Do List Mobile bills Telephone Contacts List

11 Example For Large Database DataBase Management Systems (DBMS) for Fast Food Restaurants :




15 So Access Is A DBMS Program

16 Now before starting with Access, there are few terms with which you should be familiar: Data Base : An organized collection of information.

17 » An object comprised of fields (columns) that collect records (rows of data) about a specific topic. Table Field » a table’s column that stores specific information and when combined with other fields (columns), makes up a record. Record » a row in a table that is a collection of related data treated as a unit.


19 Query: You can locate specific information stored in a table, or in multiple tables, by creating query that specifies the criteria you want to match. Queries can be simple (where you are looking for a certain criteria in one field), or complex (where you are looking for more than one criteria in more than one field).

20 Forms : To make data entry more convenient, some people choose to create onscreen forms, which are like dialog boxes that prompt for field entries. An attractively formatted form is easier and more pleasant to use to enter new records than a plain datasheet.

21 Reports : Tables and query results appear in plain datasheets, which are not very attractive when printed. Reports present data from tables and queries in an attractive, customizable format — complete with titles, headers and footers, and even logos and graphics.

22 So these are Access Objects: Tablesstore data QueriesOrganize or search for a specific data FormsDisplay data on screen ReportsPrint out data

23 Each data type takes a specific space in the computer’s memory, some of these sizes can be changed & some of them are fixed. The following table shows the changes you can make to: Text, Number, & AutoNumber fields. Note: we should save the disk space especially in large databases; this is why we need to adjust field size accordingly (no need to reserve 255 characters for a field when we actually need 5). Here is table to help you manage: Data types in Access

24 Data TypeUsed forNotes TextText & numbers General-purpose field containing any data. Limit of 255 characters. Cannot be used for numeric calculations. Use this type for numeric entries that will not have calculations performed on them, such as telephone numbers and ZIP codes. MemoText & numbers Limit of 65,535 characters. In Access 2007 file format, can hold rich text with formatting. Some limitations on usage in formulas & functions. NumberNumbers only Flexible field size of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 bytes. Can also hold symbols used as helpers for numbers, such as decimal points and commas. Date/Time Numbers representing dates & times Stores dates & times as 8-byte numbers. Only numbers representing valid dates or times are accepted. CurrencyNumbers representing currency values Stores currency values as 8-byte numbers. Even though the field might only show two decimal places, depending on formatting, it keeps track of up to four, to prevent rounding off.

25 Data types in Access Data TypeUsed forNotes AutoNumber Automatically generating numbering for each record Stores Access-generated values as 4-byte numbers. Yes/NoBoolean data -1 represent Yes and 0 represent No, but the field can be formatted to display values as True/False, On/Off, or Yes/No. Hyperlink A text address representing an external source You can link to Web sites, email addresses, files on your PC, files on a LAN, or virtually any other location. Attachment Any supported file type Works only in Access 2007 databases. You can attach data files form word-processing programs, spreadsheets, and graphics editing programs, and so on. Lookup WizardVariesDepending on usage, either creates a lookup list from data that you specify of creates a lookup list from the values in another table. Can also be used to set up multivalued lists.


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