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Gymnázium Viliama Paulinyho – Tótha v Martine Učíme sa nielen z učebníc, učíme sa pre život. Kód projektu ITMS: 26110130666 Názov: Power Pointová Prezentácia.

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Presentation on theme: "Gymnázium Viliama Paulinyho – Tótha v Martine Učíme sa nielen z učebníc, učíme sa pre život. Kód projektu ITMS: 26110130666 Názov: Power Pointová Prezentácia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gymnázium Viliama Paulinyho – Tótha v Martine Učíme sa nielen z učebníc, učíme sa pre život. Kód projektu ITMS: 26110130666 Názov: Power Pointová Prezentácia č.1 – Basic Facts about Britain Dátum: 27.04. 2014 Autor: Mgr. Zdenka Nemcová Predmet: anglický jazyk


3  the capital city: London  the biggest cities: London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Bristol, Leeds, Edinburgh  offical language- English  currency- Pound sterling

4  is situated on the British Isles  area- 243,610 km2  the highest mountain- Ben Nevis (1343m)  the biggest river- Thames  the biggest lakes- Noch Leagh & Loch Erne

5  a constitutional monarchy  the head of UK: Queen Elizabeth II.  the parliament- an elected House of Commons and an appointed House of Lords

6 oceanic climate Fauna- Exmoor-Pony - European Polecats - Roe Deer - Muntjac deer - Atlantic Puffins - Adder Flora- similar to northem European countries -oak forests - oak, elm, ash, and beech is the typical trees 10 national parks

7  population- 63,705,000 people  multicultural country  sports- football - cricket - rugby - golf - horse racing

8  HARRIS, M., MOWER, D., SIKORZYNSKA, A., New Opportunities – Pre-intermediate. Pearson-Longman. ISBN 978-0-582-85419-2. Third edition. 2007  HARRIS, M., MOWER, D., SIKORZYNSKA, A., New Opportunities – Intermediate. Pearson- Longman. ISBN 978-0-582-85415-4. Third edition. 2007  Google (pictures the UK)

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