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Model Checking Grid Policies JeeHyun Hwang, Mine Altunay, Tao Xie, Vincent Hu Presenter: tanya levshina International Symposium on Grid Computing (ISGC.

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Presentation on theme: "Model Checking Grid Policies JeeHyun Hwang, Mine Altunay, Tao Xie, Vincent Hu Presenter: tanya levshina International Symposium on Grid Computing (ISGC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Model Checking Grid Policies JeeHyun Hwang, Mine Altunay, Tao Xie, Vincent Hu Presenter: tanya levshina International Symposium on Grid Computing (ISGC 2010) 1

2 Background  Open Science Grid provides an infrastructure for coordinating Virtual Organizations (VOs) and sites based on various grid policies (policies in short  VO have its own VO policy E.g. which VO member access which resources, usage rules -- queue priority, etc  Sites have their own policy for providing access to VOs Which resource is available to which VO, how long, under which conditions, etc 2 20010-03-09 ISGC

3 Background - cont. Sites enforce both their own policies and the VO policies when VO members utilize the site resources. 3 20010-03-09 ISGC

4 Motivation  Storage elements and computing elements in sites are shared within and across members of various VOs  Different roles of VOs have different privileges over resources in sites  Sensitive resource or jobs requires policy mechanisms  access control, job priority and scheduling, monitoring and etc  Site policy authors write their own policies w.r.t. their interests  e.g., combine multiple VO policies 4 20010-03-09 ISGC

5 Motivation - cont.  How to ensure the correct behaviours of policies?  What you specify is what you get, but not necessarily what you want  Our solution: model checking grid policies  Property verification Check whether a policy satisfied a property  Conflict and redundancy checking Check whether two policies have conflicts or redundancy Help combine two policies effectively  Change impact analysis Check whether a policy is correctly changed 5 20010-03-09 ISGC

6 Outline  Approach  Access Control in XACML  Property verification  Conflict and redundancy checking  Change impact analysis  Conclusion 6 20010-03-09 ISGC

7 Access Control in XACML  XACML is eXtensible Access Control Markup Language standardized by OASIS  XACML policy describes a set of rules to specify policy behaviors  Policy Decision Point (PDP) produces a policy decision (e.g., Permit or Deny) with regards to a request from a user Policy Decision Point RequestDecision XACML Policy 7 20010-03-09 ISGC

8 Example Grid Policy  Subjects/Roles: Admin, Tester  Actions: execute  Resources: DiskQuota  Condition: DiskQuotaBytes Rule 1: IF (Admin AND execute AND DiskQuota AND DiskQuotaBytes > 15 MB) Permit Rule 2: IF (Tester AND execute AND DiskQuota AND DiskQuotaBytes > 20 MB) Permit Rule 3: OTHERWISE Deny 8 20010-03-09 ISGC

9  NuSMV is a state-of-the-art symbolic model checker developed by CMU and IRST  Requires that a policy is translated into a FSM model  State: Pending, Deny, Permit init(decision) := Pending; next (decision) := case subject = Admin & Resource = DiskQuota & Action = execute & DiskQuotaBytes <= 15 : Permit; subject = Tester & Resource = DiskQuota & Action = execute & DiskQuotaBytes <= 20 : Permit; 1: Deny; esac; A FSM Model in NuSMV 9 20010-03-09 ISGC

10  State: description of the decisions in the machine  Initial State: Pending  Finite states: Deny, Permit  Finite-state machine (FSM) model Describing a policy as a state machine Pending Permit Deny Rule 1 or Rule2 ! (Rule 1 or Rule 2) 10 20010-03-09 ISGC

11 Policy Verification Property 1: A dmin can execute a job that requires 15 MB disk quota No violations are found … next (decision) := case subject = Admin & Resource = DiskQuota & Action = execute & DiskQuotaBytes <= 15 : Permit; …; 1: Deny; esac; … 11 20010-03-09 ISGC

12 next (decision) := case … subject = Tester & Resource = DiskQuota & Action = execute & DiskQuotaBytes <= 20 : Permit; …; 1: Deny; esac; … Policy Verification Property 2: No role cannot execute (a job) that requires a disk quota bigger than 15 MB Violation with a counterexample: Tester can execute a job that requires 17 MB disk quota Violation Found! 12 20010-03-09 ISGC

13 Conflict and Redundancy  Find conflict and redundant rules  Consider a site policy author combine multiple VO policies  Detect redundancies to remove redundant policies  Detect conflicts to identify which rule should be given higher priority during policy evaluation  Detect conflict between site and VO policies  FSM models to detect redundancy and conflict  For example, A VO has two policies: VO1 and VO2  State: Pending, Redundancy or Conflict 13 20010-03-09 ISGC

14 Conflict and Redundancy - cont. Pending Permit Deny NA Pending Permit Deny NA Pending Conflicts Redundan cy VO1.dec stateVO2.dec state Policy VO1 Policy VO2 Conflict and redundancy state Conflict/redundancy checking 14 20010-03-09 ISGC

15 Conflict and Redundancy Detect conflict and redundancy by property verification Property 1: Is there any ways to reach to redundancy state This property outputs redundancies (if any) PendingRedundancy VO1 = Permit and VO2 = Permit or VO1 = Deny and VO2 = Deny PendingConflict VO1 = Permit and VO2 = Deny or VO1 = Deny and VO2 = Permit Property 2: Is there any ways to reach to conflict state This property outputs redundancies (if any) 15 20010-03-09 ISGC

16 Change Impact Analysis  Policy authors change a policy A to a policy B  Ensure correctness of a changed policy  Output all different requests-decision pairs produced by two policies  outputs conflicting decisions of a policy A and policy B (conflicting decisions)  The administrators could miss corner cases to expose faults after policy change  By extending our conflict detection technique, we plan to apply change impact analysis on grid policies to ensure a policy B is correctly changed after inspecting conflicting decisions. 16 20010-03-09 ISGC

17 Conclusion and Future Work  Model checking help ensure the correctness of policies  Property verification  Conflict and redundancy checking  Change impact analysis 17 20010-03-09 ISGC

18 Any Questions? Thank You 18 20010-03-09 ISGC

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