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Welcome to AB203! Human Resource Management Instructor: Sheri Marciniec.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to AB203! Human Resource Management Instructor: Sheri Marciniec."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to AB203! Human Resource Management Instructor: Sheri Marciniec

3 AB203 Unit 1 Seminar


5 Announcements Syllabus Technical Issues Class Assignments Grading Miscellaneous Next Steps ~ Agenda ~

6 AB203 Unit 1 Seminar Announcements –Located on course home page –Check every time enter class –Lots of information already there: Assignment requirements Grading guidelines –Ignorance of Announcement info…

7 AB203 Unit 1 Seminar Syllabus –Found under Course Home –Check out generic grading rubrics My rubrics included in Gradebook comments –More information in Announcements Announcement info supersedes syllabus!

8 AB203 Unit 1 Seminar Technical Problems Contact Technical Support: 866-522-7747 You are responsible for resolving tech issues Computer or internet issues: not valid excuses for missing or being late with assignments; have back-up plan in place

9 AB203 Unit 1 Seminar Class Assignments Vary weekly; four standard assignments –Discussion Questions (DQs) –Case Study Papers –Quiz –Seminars

10 AB203 Unit 1 Seminar Discussion Questions (DQs) –Refer to “DQs: General Information” for content/format/timing requirement details –Post at least three days each unit (early-middle-late) –Initial response by Saturday, day 4 100-word minimum length –Provide comments to at least two classmates about their initial responses 50-word minimum length –Complete by end of unit, no extensions –Provide ORIGINAL not COPIED discussion!

11 AB203 Unit 1 Seminar Papers –Refer to: Unit’s Assignment section “Papers: General Information” Use templates in Doc Sharing (not in units) –Address each topic/question: Use course textbook as PRIMARY resource Paraphrase, don’t quote; cite properly Provide ORIGINAL not COPIED discussion! –Submit to Dropbox by end of unit

12 AB203 Unit 1 Seminar Citation Examples: –Quoted Material (quotation marks too) Example: “Ethical, successful companies act according to four principles” (Noe et al., 2009, P. 16). –Paraphrased Material Example: Ethical companies tend to follow certain guidelines of conduct to help keep them on the right path (Noe et al., 2009).

13 AB203 Unit 1 Seminar Quiz –Refer to “ Quiz: General Info ” and unit’s Quiz section –Twenty multiple choice and true/false questions -- Unlimited access during unit -- Submit responses for grading by end of unit, no extra time or make-ups allowed

14 AB203 Unit 1 Seminar Seminars –Refer to “Seminars: General Info” –Sundays, 8:00 p.m. ET (approx. 1 hour) –Earn up to 15 points for active participation –If can’t attend, complete Flexible Learning Activity (FLA); see unit’s Seminar section –FLA paper should be summary of seminar, not response to FLA questions in unit –FLA must be submitted to Dropbox by end of unit; late penalties apply to all late submits –Changes/cancellations in Announcements

15 AB203 Unit 1 Seminar Due Dates & Deadlines –Due Dates: All work End of Unit -- Tuesday, 11:59 p.m. ET –Deadlines: DQs & Quiz – Same as due date (end of unit) Papers -- Can earn partial credit up to two weeks past original due date –Extensions: papers only One three-day extension available Must request to use before end of unit –late penalties : ALL papers turned in past original due date 20-30% deduction, Zero grade past 14 days Everyone subject to same late penalties

16 AB203 Unit 1 Seminar Grading –DQs, Papers, Seminars : Refer to “General Information” announcements for specific requirement details –Quiz : Graded systematically –See rubrics at end of Gradebook comments –Look for feedback with DQ and Paper grades (no quiz feedback) Incorporate feedback into work!

17 AB203 Unit 1 Seminar Miscellaneous –Communication is of utmost importance keep in touch about personal issues be proactive, not reactive, when possible Respond promptly to questions & feedback Professionalism required at all times! –Email: Please confirm Kaplan address –Instant Messaging: Class list?

18 AB203 Unit 1 Seminar Questions? Comments? Have fun!

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