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A Learning Opportunity for Grade 9 Integrating Subject Areas Language Arts and Social Studies Created by Mariko Ihara And Jean Macleod le Cheminant Fall.

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Presentation on theme: "A Learning Opportunity for Grade 9 Integrating Subject Areas Language Arts and Social Studies Created by Mariko Ihara And Jean Macleod le Cheminant Fall."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Learning Opportunity for Grade 9 Integrating Subject Areas Language Arts and Social Studies Created by Mariko Ihara And Jean Macleod le Cheminant Fall 2011

2  Introduction Introduction  Task Task  Process Process  Roles Roles  Evaluation Evaluation  Conclusion Conclusion  Teacher’s Page Teacher’s Page  Credits Credits

3  New Canadians are required to take a test on their knowledge about Canada and its government before they receive Canadian citizenship. They must achieve a score of at least 80%.  The Federal Government is creating a new Citizenship Test and wants your consulting company to develop a Quiz on Canadian Government and Geography

4  You and your partner share a business that provides services to the federal government. You have been chosen to create a new test for citizenship.  You will administer your test to an adult Canadian citizen (a parent, neighbour or teacher) to evaluate its effectiveness as a testing tool.

5  1. Meet with your partner and choose a name for your business. Remember that it must be appropriate to reflect your business as professional consultants, well qualified to provide services to the federal government.  2. You and your partner are each experts in a different area:  *GovernmentGovernment  *Geography.*Geography  Decide which area each of you is an expert in. Follow the links for each one to investigate the requirements of each role first, so that you can make an informed choice.  3. Create a multiple choice test in your area of expertise.

6  Political Scientist  You are an expert in Canadian Government at each of its 3 levels: Federal, Provincial and Local.  You will be preparing:  at least 2 questions for each level of government.  ANDat least 1 question about the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizens.  There must be at least 10 questions and answers in all.

7  Geographer You are an expert in Canadian Geography You will be preparing questions on:  Physical land mass types  Population and Culture  Industry, Natural Resources  You must create at least 10 questions and answers in all.

8  Click here to see the rubric for evaluating your Quest for Canada  Click here to see the rubric you will use to evaluate how well you and your partner worked together to create the

9 Congratulations! You have created a Quiz to test Fitness for Canadian Citizenship (Becoming Canadian).

10 This WebQuest will enable students to:  *view, both collaboratively and independently, to comprehend a variety of visual texts, such as websites.  * read, both collaboratively and independently, to comprehend a variety of information texts with increasing complexity of ideas and form, such as print and electronic reference material.  *select and summarise information from electronic sources. In pairs, students will be creating a quiz on Canadian government and geography consisting of 20 multiple choice questions, with an answer key that cites the sources used to create the question. The WebQuest was designed for Grade 9 students to be completed over 3 or 4 days. Students should be familiar with basic computer navigation skills. Extensions and Adaptations:  Students will administer the quiz to volunteer subjects from the school staff or to parents.  Students will mark and score the quizzes to determine if their subject attained 80% as required by the actual citizenship test.  Students will design and create a Certificate of Fitness for Canadian Citizenship to be awarded to the test subjects who attain 80% or higher.  Students will take the real Canadian Citizenship test..   Click here to view the original lesson plan.  To view Grade 9 Social Studies IRP, click  To view Grade 9 Language Arts IRP, click herehere

11 Photos accessed from Free Online images: &FORM=IDFRIR E05&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR FORM=IDFRIR t=0&FORM=IDFRIR Rubrics adapted from Images:  Slide 1: La Ronde, Montreal, Quebec  Slide 2: Park in Fall, Toronto, Ontario  Slide 4: Canadian Maple leaf in Fall  Slide 5: Parliament Buildings, Victoria B.C. Horseshoe Falls, Niagara Falls, Ont.  Slide 6: Peace Tower, Parliament, Ottawa, Ont.  Slide 7: Northern Footprints, Yukon. Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Totem Park, Victoria, B.C.  Slide 8: Team Canada: Olympic Games  Slide 9: Canada Day Fireworks, Vancouver., BC. Beaver Celebration Image, Mulitcultural Canadian Faces, Canadian Government citizenship promotion.  Slide 10: Banff National Park, Alberta.  Slide 11: Fall Maple leaves, P.E.I. Lighthouse, Haida Raven and Raven design, Prairie Farm, Sask.

12 Web Quest sites for Quiz Creation: Canadian Government websites: Canadian Geography websites: Sample Quiz questions with attached link: 2.Q: Who is eligable for citizenship in Canada? Name 3 requirements. A:

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