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Lab 1 Important Organic Molecules. Agenda hand back homework Hand in homework Hand back quizzes Go over quiz questions if desired Start Lab –Create Groups.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab 1 Important Organic Molecules. Agenda hand back homework Hand in homework Hand back quizzes Go over quiz questions if desired Start Lab –Create Groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab 1 Important Organic Molecules

2 Agenda hand back homework Hand in homework Hand back quizzes Go over quiz questions if desired Start Lab –Create Groups –Go over materials –Go over basic lab procedures –Unknowns will be given once simple tests are mastered by each group –The ninhydrin test is longest.

3 Types of tests / data Quantitative (4.2 g/ml) Semi-quantitative (increased twice as much) Qualitative (yes or no)

4 Basic Lab Knowledge Miniscus Labeling tubes

5 Tests Carbohydrates Benedict’s Test (Simple sugars) –Test #1: (variety of compounds): Tubes A to G –Test #2: (glucose): A to G Iodine / Starch Test (Polysaccarides) –Test #3: Same 6 as above, except change sucrose to glycogen Porcelain spot plates, mark A-G

6 Tests Lipids Simple Paper Test –Test #4: Rub compound on paper Lipid Solubility Test –Test #5: Tubes A, B, C Sudan Identification –Test #6: Use tubes from Test 4. Sudan Filter Paper Method –Test #7: Filter paper divided into 6 sections marked A-F

7 Tests Proteins Biuret Reagent (Polypeptides) –Test #8 6 test tubes A-F Ninhydrin Test (Amino Acids) –Test #9 Filter paper into 6 sections A-F just like Sudan Test (#7)

8 Tests Nucleic Acids Dische Diphenylamine Test (Nucleic Acids) –Test #10 4 Test tubes A-D

9 Identifying an Unknown 9: UNKNOWNS

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