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Take a look around the room above the chalkboards to find our students’ goals! Please sign in!

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Presentation on theme: "Take a look around the room above the chalkboards to find our students’ goals! Please sign in!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Take a look around the room above the chalkboards to find our students’ goals! Please sign in!

2 Basic terms of geometry Drawing, using, and visualizing with diagrams A lot of new vocab, postulates & theorems to learn Geometry/Algebra applications Using logic to prove statements Properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, area, perimeter, volume

3 Be on time Be prepared Be nice Try your best Do what you need to do in order to succeed Contribute to the class Seek help ANY TIME you need it

4 Graphing calculator (as required by the math department for all high school courses) Pencils Designated 3 ring binder with loose leaf paper for handouts and notes At least 4 colors of markers, highlighters, or colored pencils (color-coding is a great tool for marking diagrams in geometry!) Students do NOT need to bring their textbooks to class

5 Points System Homework checks almost every day through HW log…15% of grade Midterm & Final (25% of 2 nd and 4 th MP) *These are district exams, not to be brought home Average Updates: Every test or quiz AND on the Parent Portal (HAC) Quizzes are returned to keep once all students have taken them Chapter tests may be taken home once all students have taken them & students have the opportunity to make corrections for points back at clinic. There will be a quiz or test almost every week Projects may be given throughout the year

6 Make-up Work: When you are absent, it is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to find out what was missed. Ask a friend for notes Show the teacher the homework that was due when you were out. Check the “What did I miss?” bulletin for handouts & assessment reminders. Missing tests & quizzes should be made up on the NEXT clinic day. A 0 will be earned after one week. Clinic is held on Tuesdays & Thursdays in 272

7 Homework, Classwork & Review Worksheets Clinic is held Tuesdays & Thursdays in room 272 Ask questions Try your hardest Take good notes and complete classwork/homework carefully Study for tests and quizzes by practicing Color code notes & diagrams Use my website often!

8 Tips for Success Make the following suggestions habits from the beginning of the year to start on the right foot. It will take just a little extra time each day, but will be well worth it and save you time later. Geometry is a very cumulative course, so it is important to build and maintain a strong foundation! Also consult the Note- Making, Homework, and Studying Philosophies on the math department website. In Class  Be present every day!  Mark your diagrams, use colors, and copy everything we do when taking notes. Add your own personal notes.  Ask questions as you think of them to get the most out of class.  Try problems on your own to check your understanding.  If you’re absent, get notes immediately from a friend. Do your best to learn from this, then try the homework, and ask specific questions. This should all happen the day/night you return.

9 Homework  Draw all diagrams neatly on your paper. Mark the diagrams and use color where helpful.  Show your work.  Check odd answers in the back of the book. If an answer is incorrect, try the problem again.  Use your notes to find similar problems we did in class.  If you are really stuck on a problem, clearly mark it so you can ask in class.  Ask in class! Really pay attention, make notes on your paper, and make sure you understand the correction. These questions should be reviewed before a quiz or test.

10 Studying  Taking a few minutes each day to review recent concepts before starting your homework can really make a difference.  When doing review problems before a test or quiz, have all relevant notes out. Review them first, then try the review problems without their help. Use your notes if you get stuck.  Mark problems you are stuck on or get wrong. Ask questions after trying them and reviewing your notes. Make sure you revisit these questions after getting an answer to be sure you remember.  Go back through your notes to see if there are any concepts not on the review worksheets.  After completing review, try anything you struggled with again, from scratch, on a separate paper, without help (this is how you’ll have to do it during a test!). This will really test to see if you remember and understand the concepts!  Be present in class the day of the assessment while all of the info is fresh in your mind!

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