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 Identification- Jessica Jones  Analysis –Scott Shields  Financials – Kyle Holloway  Concerns/Recommendations – Devin Stewart.

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Presentation on theme: " Identification- Jessica Jones  Analysis –Scott Shields  Financials – Kyle Holloway  Concerns/Recommendations – Devin Stewart."— Presentation transcript:


2  Identification- Jessica Jones  Analysis –Scott Shields  Financials – Kyle Holloway  Concerns/Recommendations – Devin Stewart

3  The alternative beverage industry saw rapid growth in the mid-2000s  Competition is based on differentiation  The largest sellers of alternative beverages: Coca-Cola, PepsiCo., Red Bull GmbH, and Monster Beverage Corporation

4  Hit hard by the recent economic recession.  The alternative beverage industry is projected to grow at a rate of 5.88% on average.  Global companies are combatting the decline of soft drinks sales through alternative beverages.

5  Companies expanded the alternative beverage market through: Blue ocean strategies Exploiting international markets Capitalizing on consumer trends

6  An important factor for success in the alternative beverage industry is innovation.  Success based on capitalizing on consumer trends.


8  The strongest competitive force is rivalry among competing sellers.  The weakest force is competitive pressures from buyer bargaining power.





13 *Based off Debt-to-Equity ratio

14 *Based off Current Ratio



17  Legal factors  Changing consumer demand  Rival firms  Distribution/suppliers  Innovation  Discretionary Income

18  Distribution/Suppliers Strategic Alliances Supply Chain Management

19  Innovation Invest in R&D Invest in Marketing

20  Discretionary Income Increase price competition Product Diversification


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