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Phases & Eclipses.  Full  New  Quarter  Crescent.

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Presentation on theme: "Phases & Eclipses.  Full  New  Quarter  Crescent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phases & Eclipses

2  Full  New  Quarter  Crescent

3  Gibbous

4  The line between shadow and light on the Moon has a name… The Terminator

5  Start with a New Moon  Light travels from Right to Left ( ←)  Getting Full: Waxing  Getting New: Waning









14 Light from the Sun – AT AN ANGLE! Activity: Place the Moon phases in the correct location around the Earth, relative to the Sun. =


16 SYNODIC  One full Phase Cycle  New to New Moon 29.5 Days (4-ish weeks) SIDERIAL  360° Around the Earth  NOT the same as a phase cycle! 27.3 Days (a little less)

17  Because the Earth is moving!  The Moon must play “catch up” to return to the New Moon position..

18  January: Old Moon or “Moon after Yule”  February: Snow/Hunger/Wolf Moon  March: Sap/Crow/Lenten Moon  April: Grass/Egg Moon  May: Planting/Milk Moon  June: Flower/Strawberry Moon  July: Thunder/Hay Moon  August: Grain Moon  September: Harvest Moon  October: Hunter’s Moon  November: Frosty Moon  December: “Moon Before Yule” or Long Night Moon

19 The second of two full moons in one month. Only happens once every 2-3 years Not actually blue… Next one will be on: July 31 st, 2015!

20  The orbit of the Moon is at a 5° tilt from the Earth/Sun orbit.  Very rarely, all three bodies actually line up…

21 LUNAR  The Moon is Eclipsed by the Earth  The Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon SOLAR  The Sun is eclipsed by the Moon  The Moon’s shadow falls on the Earth

22 Lunar Eclipses The Earth casts partial and full shadow. Penumbral Eclipse: Moon passes through the Penumbra. Partial Eclipse: Part of Moon passes through the Umbra, a chunk is in shadow. Total Eclipse: Entire Moon passes through the Umbra





27  Light from the Sun is still hitting the Moon  It is being refracted through the Earth’s atmosphere  Only long wavelengths can bend around the Earth and pass through the atmosphere  All the world’s Dusk & Dawn light!

28 Solar Eclipses The Moon casts partial and full shadow. Partial Eclipse: Observer is in the Penumbra Total Eclipse: Observer is in the Umbra You have to be lucky to be in the path of a solar eclipse! The path of the eclipse is small and travels fast! The shadow moves across the face of the Earth at 1050 mph! Most solar eclipses last under 7 minutes.



31  The Moon’s distance from the Earth changes slightly over time  IF the Moon is particularly farther away from the Earth during a solar eclipse…

32  Solar: 2-5 times a year  Lunar: up to 3 times a year, sometimes none NASA’s Eclipse Tracker


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