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CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE OF THE INTERNET: A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE Michael Latzer Presented at the International Seminar "Internet:

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Presentation on theme: "CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE OF THE INTERNET: A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE Michael Latzer Presented at the International Seminar "Internet:"— Presentation transcript:

1 CO-OPERATIVE GOVERNANCE OF THE INTERNET: A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE Michael Latzer Presented at the International Seminar "Internet: Prize Determination and Access Universalization" April 2001, São Paulo

2 European Information Society promotion of the internet (access, e-commerce) = part of Information Society activies issues: universal access, consumer protection, privacy, content, electronic signature, e- money, IPR, taxation,... since 2000: on top of political agenda of the EU driven by liberalization, globalization, convergence competition with USA and H

3 Worldwide Internet Users by Region, 11/2000

4 Homes connected to the Internet 8/2000 (USA), 10/2000 (EU)

5 eCommerce Revenues (B-2-B&B-2-C) Market Shares by Region (1997-2003)

6 Mobile Users in EU and USA (10/2000)

7 European Information Society characterized by Mediamatics - the changed societal communications system Digital Economy - cha changed economic system - eCommerce => trend towards a transformed statism, a new role of the state in the mediamatics sector

8 Convergence Stages Toward Mediamatics until 1970ssince 1970ssince 1980s telecommunicationsTELEcommunicatio ns + inforMATICS = TELEMATICS electr. MEDIA + teleMATICS = MEDIAMATI CS computers (informatics) broadcasting (electr. mass media incl. CATV)

9 Statism functionally defined statism (state activities) changes - distribution of tasks within a btw states - distribution of political responsabilities - applied policy instruments - structure of the policy network - organization of regulatory institutions state statism until the 1980s

10 Transformed Statism: Overviw 1.from protectionism to the promotion of competition 2.separation of political/strategic and operative tasks, which are "privatized" 3.from vertical to horizontal regulation 4.from setor-specific to universally applicable regulation 5.from national to supra and internatioinal regulation 6.from state regulation to co-regulation 7.from central regulation to decentralized, technology-based self restriction

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