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9 LINE MEDIVAC Your squad has just been hit by Indirect fire and you take on 3 casualties in the middle of know where. How can I get these soldiers back.

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Presentation on theme: "9 LINE MEDIVAC Your squad has just been hit by Indirect fire and you take on 3 casualties in the middle of know where. How can I get these soldiers back."— Presentation transcript:

1 9 LINE MEDIVAC Your squad has just been hit by Indirect fire and you take on 3 casualties in the middle of know where. How can I get these soldiers back to the rear and receive medical attention?

2 9 LINE MEDIVAC There are 9 lines to report in a 9 line medivac, and 4 lines are mandatory. But the more information that you can give the better off the casualties will be and it will help the medivac respond better and faster. Lines 1,2,3 and are the mandatory lines that you must report. With all radio reports ensure that you have the information written up before you make the call to report it. Depending on what the current mission of the aircraft is or there location the birds could be inbound within minutes

3 Line #1 Location of the pick-up site, grid coordinat3e.

4 Line #2 Radio frequency, call sign with suffix. ( Bandaid 6 this is Falcon 6 over)

5 Line #3 Number of patients by precedence. #1 Urgent with in 2 hours #2 Priority with in 4 hours #3 Routine with in 24 hours #4 Tactical Immediate ASAP If two or more categories must be reported in the same request, insert the word “break” between each category

6 Line #4 Special equipment required 5- None 6- Hoist 7- Stokes litter 8- Forest/jungle penetrator

7 Line #5 Number of patients by type Report only applicbale information and the appropriate amounts. If requesting MEDEVAC for both types, insert the proword ‘break” between the litter entry and ambulatory, #-litter break, # ambulatory (sitting)

8 Line #6 Security of pickup site 1- No enemy troops in area 2- Possible enemy troops in area (approach with caution) 3- Enemy troops in area (approach with caution) 4- Enemy troops in area (armed escort required) 5- Peacetime

9 Line #7 Method of marking the pick-up site 5 panels 6 smoke 7 signal person 8 signal lamp

10 Line #8 Patient’s nationality and status 4 us military 5 US civilian 6 Non US military 7 Non US civilian 8 EPW

11 Line # 9 NBC Contamination 9 Nuclear 0 Biological 1 Chemical Peacetime

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