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Digital Divide? Civic Engagement, Information Poverty and the Internet NY: Cambridge University Press August 2001

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Divide? Civic Engagement, Information Poverty and the Internet NY: Cambridge University Press August 2001"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Divide? Civic Engagement, Information Poverty and the Internet NY: Cambridge University Press August 2001

2 I. Types of inequality in the wired world  Global divide Core v. peripheries  Social divide Income/SES, generation, education, gender, race/ethnicity  Democratic divide Equality in civic engagement

3 Structure I.Theoretical debate: What are the causes & consequences of inequality in the wired world? II.Evidence: Compare 179 nations worldwide III.Conclusions and Policy Initiatives

4 I. Theoretical debate Cyber-optimists Predict ‘normalization’ of Internet pop. –Technological innovations –Market competition –State initiatives Cyber-skeptics Technology adapts to society not vice versa Cyber-pessimists Predict worsening inequalities of power and wealth

5 Data: Data in 179 nations – % Online, PCs, etc. Contents of websites 179 nations – Governments, parliaments, & parties Surveys in EU and US – How do people use the Internet?

6 II: Current Evidence? 1)Global divide 2)Social divide 3)Democratic divide

7 How many online?


9 % Online Worldwide Fall 2000

10 % Online, EU-15 Eurobarometer Nov-Dec 2000





15 II: Evidence? 1)Global divide 2)Social divide 3)Democratic divide




19 II: Evidence? 1)Global divide 2)Social divide 3)Democratic divide


21 Average number of online parties per nation

22 Types of Parties Online Classified by % of parliamentary seats

23 Types of parties online



26 Conclusions: I.Global inequalities Substantial & growing Reflects long-term N-S divide II.Social stratification Widespread & unlikely to close in short-term III.Democratic divide Individual-level - activates the active May empower challengers with know-how

27 Policy initiatives Closing the divide: – Access Schools, community centers, libraries, cafes, village centers – Skills Target populations, eg younger generation, unemployed, women, community leaders – Costs Competition and deregulation in telecoms, ISP connections, servers – Democratization Training and facilities for civic society: media, parties, groups Leadership role for open government

28 Details: Digital Divide CUP August 2001

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