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Generic and Practical Resettable Zero- Knowledge in the Bare Public-Key Model Moti Yung RSA Laboratories and CS Dept. of Columbia University Yunlei Zhao.

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Presentation on theme: "Generic and Practical Resettable Zero- Knowledge in the Bare Public-Key Model Moti Yung RSA Laboratories and CS Dept. of Columbia University Yunlei Zhao."— Presentation transcript:

1 Generic and Practical Resettable Zero- Knowledge in the Bare Public-Key Model Moti Yung RSA Laboratories and CS Dept. of Columbia University Yunlei Zhao Software School, Fudan University, Shanghai, P. R. China

2 1. Resettable Zero-Knowledge RZK RZK is introduced by Canetti, Goldreich, Goldwasser and Micali (STOC 2000). Motivated by implementing ZK provers using smart-cards or other devices that may be (maliciously) reset to their initial conditions and/or cannot afford to generate fresh randomness for each new invocation. A generalization and strengthening of CZK intruduced by Dwork, Naor and Sahai [DNS98].

3 2. The Bare Public-Key (BPK) Model No constant-round (black-box) RZK/CZK protocols in the standard model [CKPR01]. To get constant-round RZK/CZK protocols, several computational models have been introduced: the timing model, the preprocessing model, the common reference string model, and the BPK model, etc.

4 The BPK model [CGGM00] A protocol in BPK model simply assumes that all verifiers have deposited a public key in a public file before any interaction takes place among the users The BPK model also allows dynamic key registrations.

5 No assumption is made on whether the public-keys deposited are unique or ``nonsensical" or ``bad" public-keys (e.g., for which no corresponding secret-keys exist or are known). Note that an adversary may deposit many (possibly invalid or fake) public keys without any guarantee on the validities of the registered public-keys.

6 That is, no trusted third party is assumed in the BPK model; the preprocessing is reduced to verifiers minimally register a public-key in a public file; and the communication network is assumed to be adversarially asynchronous; Weaker than PKI, where authentic association of user ID and its public-key is added.

7 3. Concurrent Verifier-Security in the Public-Key Model Verifier security in public-key models turns out to be much more complicated and subtler than that of the standard model.

8 In public-key model, a verifier V possesses a secret key SK, corresponding to its public-key PK. A malicious prover P* could potentially gain some knowledge about SK from a session with the verifier. This extra gained knowledge may help this prover: Violate concurrent soundness: i.e., convincing the verifier of a false theorem in another concurrent session; Or: violate concurrent knowledge extractability: i.e., convincing the honest verifier of a true statement in another concurrent session but without knowing corresponding witness.

9 Malicious Prover Verifier (PK)

10 Four notions of soundness in the public-key model, i.e., from weaker to stronger: one-time, sequential, concurrent and resettable soundness. Concurrent soundness (CS): a malicious prover P* cannot convince the honest verifier V of a false statement even when P* is allowed multiple interleaving interactions with V in the public-key model. Concurrent knowledge-extractability (CKE): a malicious P* can convince the honest V of a statement only if it knows the corresponding witness

11 Some facts about concurrent verifier security in the public-key model Any (resettable or not) black-box ZK protocols with concurrent soundness in the BPK model (for non-trivial languages) must run at least four rounds [MR01]. Any (whether resettable or not) black-box ZK arguments with resettable soundness only exist for trivial (i.e, BPP) languages (whether in the BPK model or not) [BGGL01,MR01]. Concurrent knowledge-extractability is (strictly) stronger than concurrent soundness.

12 4. Related Works and Our Contributions

13 Constant-round (black-box) RZK-CS argument for NP was first established by Di Crescenzo, Persiano and Visconti [Crypto 2000] Round-optimal Based on NIZK for NP and a special form of sub-exponentially secure PKE (e.g., the sub-exponentially secure version of the ElGamal scheme that is based on the sub-exponentially strong DDH assumption), etc. The security analysis seems to be not extended to the case of CKE (CKE is not the issue considered in [DPV00] ) Problems left in [DPV00]: Can constant-round (in particular, round-optimal) RZK-CS can be based on general hardness assumption? Can RZK-CKE be provably achieved? Can RZK-CS/CKE be implemented practically, say, with a very small constant number of exponentiations? The first constant-round RZK-CS protocol in the BPK model [DPV00]

14 This work Constant-round (7-round) RZK-CS argument for NP in the BPK model based on any sub-exponentially-strong OWF. Round-optimal (i.e., 4-round) RZK-CS based on any certified OWP. One-round trapdoor commitments Generic yet practical transformation for achieving 5-round RZK-CS arugments: Applicable to all languages admitting ∑-protocol Without going through NP-reduction, and can be implemented with several exponentiations Satisfy a reasonable (weak) black-box concurrent knowledge-extractibility.

15 5. The General RZK Construction Based on Any Subexponentially-Strong OWF

16 Common input x  L. Let f P be any (standard polynomial secure) OWF, and f V be any sub-exponentially secure OWFs. The public-key of the honest verifier V is: PK=f V (x V ). Let y 0 P =f P (x 0 P ) and y 1 P =f P (x 1 P ). The pair (y 0 P, y 1 P ) is then fixed for P.

17 xLxL P(w) PK V(x V ) Phase-1: RWI(y 0 P  y 1 P ) Phase-2: (Resettably-sound) WIPOK(y 0 P  y 1 P  PK) Phase-3: RWI(x  PK) The rough protocol structure

18 Complexity leveraging The system parameter is N, the prover uses a relatively smaller parameter n (still polynomially related to N), such that: Breaking f P by brute-forth in 2 n -time does not compromise the security f V (i.e., PK) that is sub- exponentially secure in N, specifically, secure againt -time algorithm.

19 Two types of OWF-based constant- round rWI argument for NP The CGGM transformation from Blum’s WI proof for NP to RWI proof for NP The verifier is required to first commit its random challenge on the top by running a perfectly-hiding commitment scheme Randomness of prover is got by applying PRF on the transcript. Phase-1 RWI arguments for NP: The challenge is committed with Naor’s OWF-based statistically- binding and sub-exponentially hiding commitments, which can be implemented from any sub-exponentially strong OWF Phase-3 RWI for NP: The challenge is committed with a OWF-based trapdoor commitment scheme (by combining Naor’s OWF-based commitment scheme and Feige-Shamir trapdoor commitments), such that the binding property can be broken in 2 n -time.

20 The dual role of Phase-1 RWI argument in RZK proof and in CS/CKE proof To deal with the subtlety with extracting x V in RZK simulation: We want to argue that Phase-2 WIPOK(y 0 P  y 1 P  PK) is actually POK of the secret-key x V. But, Phase-2 begins after V * resettingly interacting with instances of P in Phase-1 RWI on fixed (y 0 P  y 1 P ). In general, in this case, normal POK and even CS do not guarantee concurrent knowledge-extractability of x V. By statistically-binding of Naor’s commitments, reduce resetting interactions of V * with honest P in Phase-1 into concurrent interactions, which guarantees witness-hiding of (x 0 P, x 1 P ) and in turn guarantees of POK of x V of Phase-2. To guarantee preimage-verifiability of (y 0 P  y 1 P ) in CS/CKE proof, following the simulation/extraction approach: Honest verifier always continues its interactions after successful Phase-1 RWI even on false (y 0 P  y 1 P ), i.e., no preimage of either y 0 P or y 1 P exists, but the sub-exponential-time CS/CKE simulator always aborts by brute-force searching in this case.

21 But, using statistically-binding commitments in Phase-1 RWI makes the proof of concurrent soundness complicated and subtle. Idea: reduce to sub-exponentially hiding of Naor’s commitments based on sub-exponentially strong OWF.

22 The role of Phase-3 RWI On one hand, it is used for establishing RZK (the RZK simulator uses x V as the Phase-3 witness in simulation); On the other hand, committing random challenge with trapdoor commitments (that can be broken within 2 n -time) enables the simulation/extraction approach for proving (weak) CKE

23 6. Simplified, Practical, and Round- Optimal Implementations

24 An Observation Recall that the Phase-1 RWI argument on (y 0 P, y 1 P ) plays a dual role: one-waynessness in RZK proof; and preimage-verifiability of either y 0 P or y 1 P in CS/CKE proof. Suppose f P is preimage-verfiable, then Phase-1 RWI can be removed, and the prover only needs to send a unique value y P =f(x P ) on the top. This renders us 5-round simplified implementation Preimage-verifiable OWF is a quite weak hardness assumption.

25 Generic yet Practical Transformation Building tools: ∑-protocol and ∑ OR -protocol (WI without NP-reduction) Naor-Reingold practical PRF: needs only 2 exponentiations and can be reduced to only 2 multiple products modulo a prime (without any exponentiaitions!) with natural preprocessing. Preimage-verifiable OWFs admitting ∑-protocol, from which perfectly-hiding trapdoor commitments can be established (Damgard Crypto’89) With all above tools, the preimage-verfiable OWF-based simplified implementation can be further converted into generic yet practical implementation for any language admitting ∑-protocols without NP- reductions. With RSA and DLP as examples, the implementations only need several modular exponentiations.

26 Round-Optimal Implementation. In the 5-round simplified implementation, the unique value y P =f(x P ), sent by P on the top, is used by the verifier V in two ways: It serves as a part of the inputs to the Phase-2 (resettably-sound) WIPOK proof on (y P, y V ); It serves the trapdoor commitment public-key (TCPK) for the verifier to make trapdoor commitments in the second round. We want to merge y P into the third-round message from P to V. To this end, we need: Lapidot-Shamir WI for NP A special kind of trapdoor commitment scheme: commitment phase is non-interactive without knowing TCPK, which is only sent in the decommitment phase.

27 OWP-Based One-round TC One-round commitment stage: To commit to 0, the committer P sends an n-by-n adjacency matrix of (OWP-based one-round perfectly-binding) commitments with each entry committing to 0. To commit to 1, the committer sends an n-by-n adjacency matrix of commitments such that the entries committing to 1 constitute a randomly n-cycle C. Two-round decommitment stage: The receiver V sends a Hamiltonian graph G=(V, E) with size n=|V| to P. To decommit to 0, P sends a random permutation , and for each non- edge of G, (i, j)  E, P reveals the value (that is 0) committed to the (  (i),  (j))-entry of the adjacency matrix sent in the commitment stage (and V checks all revealed values are 0 and the unrevealed entries constitute a graph that is isomorphic to G via  ). To decommit to 1, P only reveals the committed cycle (and the receiver checks that all revealed values are 1 and the revealed entries constitute an n-cycle).

28 7. Weak Concurrent Knowledge-Extractability Black-box sub-exponential-time CKE: for any x, suppoe P * can convince of ``x  L” with non-negligible probability, with almost the same probability a black-box poly(n)  2 n -time extractor can extract a witness w for x  L Suppose L is -hard, 0<c<1, then this means that P * does know the witness w (rather than only convincing NP- membership) Still reasonable Super-polynomial-time knowledge-extraction is intrinsic for black-box RZK Most practical OWFs are essentially sub-exponentially hard. Allow highly practical implementation, which are within reach for coming smart-card environment Highly practical efficiency and the CKE property are important for RZK to be used as smart-card based Identification, which is the original motivation of RZK

29 Thanks

30 Agenda 1. Resettable zero-knowledge (RZK) 2. The bare public-key (BPK) model 3. Concurrent verifier security in the public-key model 4. Related works and our contributions 5. The general RZK construction based on any sub- exponentially secure OWF 6. Simplified, practical, and round-optimal variants 7. On the weak concurrent knowledge- extractability

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