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COMMON ISSUES & IMPORTANT MESSAGES ARISING FROM QCRs Mohammed Yaqoob Technical & Quality Manager Nexia International Audit Forum - Paris 2011.

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1 COMMON ISSUES & IMPORTANT MESSAGES ARISING FROM QCRs Mohammed Yaqoob Technical & Quality Manager Nexia International Audit Forum - Paris 2011


3 QCRs Scheduling - need greater priority from regions, firms, need to agree and adhere to dates, not allow slippage of QCRs to next FY Advance information - to be provided well in time to enable effective/efficient planning (sections E & F of the QCR work pack and audit client details (largest 10 audits (by audit fee income) for each audit partner together with industry/activity, listed/PI/regulated/other specialist/private/NFP, approx. turnover, audit fee income, total hours spent) Advance planning required by reviewee firm – internal transfers, accommodation, availability of audit personnel, manuals, files Website content - awareness of QCR process etc Interpreter(s) – needed where audit papers are not in English Costs – full details in Audit Committee operating procedures and guidance for reviewees

4 QCRs – cont’d 2010/11 – delays in scheduling, replying to QCR findings, supplying further information/documentation 2011/12 QCRs – spreadsheet to be emailed to regional chairmen after the Paris conference Responding to emails Elapsed times T&QM and local reviewers Limited scope reviews (LSR) & full scope reviews (FSR) Advanced QCRs – full cost to be borne by firms

5 Annual Audit Questionnaire Confirmation (AAQC) survey Poor response rate (approx. 50%) – no trend across regions, firm sizes etc Recurring simple mistakes Very few correct first time Difficulty in applying a risk based approach without almost a 100% response rate Consideration of FSR/ADV QCRs where no responses forthcoming

6 NIMo No data yet on how well populated Wholly reliant on firms Only addresses non-audit services provided to audit clients Other independence threats (e.g. financial interests) have to be covered manually but need to target relevant firms and to avoid sending emails to ALL firms

7 IFAC Manuals Nexia does not provide audit/quality control manuals Guidance is to use locally sourced material If not, then use IFAC Audit Guide (Oct 2010) and the IFAC Quality Control Guide (Aug 2011) In any case MUST ensure tailored to firm’s circumstances

8 IFRS support Covered by Christian Fuchs

9 Caseware Marcel Keizer will be present during the conference Members should take the opportunity to discuss & resolve any issues

10 Audit Committee Operating procedures Board of Directors to consider and approve revised/updated procedures

11 Common Issues arising from 2010 and 2011 QCRs Results based on 52 QCRs (13 in FY2011 and 39 in FY2010) Files lacked adequate recording and/or evidence of audit procedures leading to doubts as to whether adequate audit work had been conducted or not (33/52=63%). Audit manual and quality control manual needed improving/updating (e.g. by ref. To IFAC manuals) (25/52=48%). Concerns arising re compliance with IFRSs (15/52=29%). Concerns over complaince with ISQC1 (15/52=29%). The auditor should retain control over obtaining third party confirmations (circularisations, bank letters etc) (12/52=23%).

12 Common Issues (cont’d) Audit working papers not properly signed and dated (9/52=17%). No clear system for checking formats/disclosures in financial statements (e.g. by use of disclosure checklists) (9/52=17%). Lack of adequate documentation of partner involvement (in planning, conduct of work and completion) Incomplete audit file and lack of proper/complete referencing and file completion policy (8/52=15%). Incorrectly dated letters of management representations (should NEVER be dated after the date of the audit report) (8/52=15%)

13 Website Firm’s should regularly review the Nexia website for new/updated material and other resources Contents of Audit Forum to be published in due course.

14 Thank you for your attention

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