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Project co funded by the European Commission – Grant Agreement N° 07.030601/2006/447903/SUB/A3'' SEPET+D Re-Validation of the Cologne Risk Index-Military.

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Presentation on theme: "Project co funded by the European Commission – Grant Agreement N° 07.030601/2006/447903/SUB/A3'' SEPET+D Re-Validation of the Cologne Risk Index-Military."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project co funded by the European Commission – Grant Agreement N° 07.030601/2006/447903/SUB/A3'' SEPET+D Re-Validation of the Cologne Risk Index-Military Version Robert Bering Thesis: Sibylle Dunker Dunker, S. (2009). Prognose und Verlauf der Poststraumatischen Belastungsstörung bei Soldaten der Bundeswehr. Längsschnittstudie zur Neuvalidierung des Kölner Risikoindex-Bundeswehr (KRI-Bw). http://kups.ub.uni-

2 Project co funded by the European Commission – Grant Agreement N° 07.030601/2006/447903/SUB/A3'' SEPET+D Pre-traumatic Outline Situational Components Coping Strategies and Effects Traumatic Situation e.g. disaster Traumatic Reaction Traumatic Process Recovery Shock Life History Risk factors and screening instruments Screen for: 1. Symptoms, 2. Diagnosis, 3. Predictors 4. Functions

3 Project co funded by the European Commission – Grant Agreement N° 07.030601/2006/447903/SUB/A3'' SEPET+D Intervalidation of the Cologne Risk Index Bering et al., 2007, ZPPM

4 Project co funded by the European Commission – Grant Agreement N° 07.030601/2006/447903/SUB/A3'' SEPET+D Re-Validation CRI-military longitudinal Design CRI-military self questionare Mission in Afghanistan T1T2 N=650 CRI PTSS-10 SCL PCL-M-dt N=222 PTSS-10 SCL PCL-M-dt 4 month2-4 month 6-7 month Thesis: The CRI predicts the development of PTSD like symptoms. The predictive power of risk factors is better than the predictive power of symptoms.

5 Project co funded by the European Commission – Grant Agreement N° 07.030601/2006/447903/SUB/A3'' SEPET+D A-1 Criterion T1/T2 approx.50% Dunker 2009

6 Project co funded by the European Commission – Grant Agreement N° 07.030601/2006/447903/SUB/A3'' SEPET+D Dunker 2009

7 Project co funded by the European Commission – Grant Agreement N° 07.030601/2006/447903/SUB/A3'' SEPET+D Dunker 2009

8 Project co funded by the European Commission – Grant Agreement N° 07.030601/2006/447903/SUB/A3'' SEPET+D Sensitivity of CRI for Risk-Group T2 0.76 measured by PTSS-10 Sensitivity of CRI for Risk-Group and Switchers T2 1.0 measured by PTSS-10

9 Project co funded by the European Commission – Grant Agreement N° 07.030601/2006/447903/SUB/A3'' SEPET+D Dunker 2009

10 Project co funded by the European Commission – Grant Agreement N° 07.030601/2006/447903/SUB/A3'' SEPET+D Take home messages: 1.The CRI predicts the development of PTSD like symptoms. Yes 2.The predictive power of risk factors is better than the predictive power of symptoms. Yes Do not forget: The CRI is a check list that functions as a precurser for clinical diagnostics. The Screening and the Diagnostics are two different modules in the TGIP.

11 Project co funded by the European Commission – Grant Agreement N° 07.030601/2006/447903/SUB/A3'' SEPET+D Target Group Intervention Programme Screening: CRI-D Group of Recovery Guidance in Self-Help Switcher Psychological Aftercare Psychotraumatological Diagnostic In need of Trauma Therapy Guidance in Self-Help Trauma High-Risk-Persons Trauma Therapy (Individual) Guidance in Self-Help lapse of time Psychological First Aid Information about professional help Psychoeducation Psychotraumatological Diagnostic

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