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Common Toxic Pollutants and Analytical Methods

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1 Common Toxic Pollutants and Analytical Methods

2 Characteristics of “Contaminants of Concern”
TOXIC - Makes you sick. - Kills you. - Gives you cancer. - Endangers plants/animals PERSISTENT - Remains in the environment for “a long time”: Months, years. Breaks down slowly or not at all BIOACCUMULATIVE “Builds up” in the tissues of organisms. Accumulates. - May amplify up a food chain (e.g., Hg in ocean -> tuna)

3 Toxicity EXPOSURE - Dose + Duration ACUTE Short-term, high dose
CHRONIC Long-term, low dose TOXIC ACTION Example Somatic failure Kidney, liver failure, nervous system damage Carcinogenesis Cancer Teratogenesis Birth defects

4 Classes of Toxic Contaminants
Inorganic materials Synthetic organic compounds

5 Inorganic Toxic Materials
Metals: Transition metals on the periodic table Mode of toxicity: Often substitute for or interrupt function of normal biological metals (e.g., Fe, Ca, Zn) Main Toxic Metals in ~Order of Toxicity Hg Cd Pb (Ag) Cu Zn

6 Other Toxic Inorganics
Metalloids Arsenic (As) Selenium (Se) “Transient” compounds (easily break down, rarely persistent) Ammonia (NH3) Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) Cyanide (CN-)

7 Inorganics: Key Characteristics
Cannot degrade or break down E.g., Pb is Pb is Pb Hence inherently “persistent” “Speciation” often important A metal may occur in various chemical forms or “species” E.g., different redox states, or bound to various other materials Different species may have very different properties

8 Examples of Speciation Effects
Metal Species Toxicity Mobility Hg2+ Hg0 Hg(CH3)2 Less toxic Toxic Extremely toxic Low mobility Volatile gas ~High mobility Cr3+ (trivalent) CrO42- (hexavalent) Low toxicity High toxicity High mobility

9 Total Metal vs Species Total metal = “analytical concentration”
More complicated: Individual species may be analyzed Or, sometimes easier or necessary to calculate species with chemistry tools or computer model

10 AAS: Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

11 Flame AAS

12 Gas Chromatography


14 Gas Chromatography

15 Typical GC

16 GC Autosampler


18 GC



21 GC-Mass Spectrometry GCMS



24 GC (with Mass Spectrometry)

25 GCMS “Fingerprint”


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