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DR. MARY JANE EISENHAUER EDCI 276 Analyzing Children’s Books for Sexism & Racism.

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Presentation on theme: "DR. MARY JANE EISENHAUER EDCI 276 Analyzing Children’s Books for Sexism & Racism."— Presentation transcript:

1 DR. MARY JANE EISENHAUER EDCI 276 Analyzing Children’s Books for Sexism & Racism


3 Check the Illustrations Stereotypes? Tokenism? Who’s doing what?


5 Check the Story Line Standard for success Resolution of problems Role of women


7 Look at the Lifestyles

8 Relationships Between Characters

9 Note the Heroes

10 Effects on Child’s Self-Image

11 Author or Illustrator’s Background What qualifies the author or illustrator to deal with the subject?

12 Author’s Perspective

13 Loaded Words

14 Copyright Date

15 Small Groups: Searching for Examples Assign Roles: Stereotyper; Checklist Keeper; Recorder/Timekeeper; Reader/Discussion Leader 1. Share the list of stereotypes. Can you think of examples of any of these? 2. Select several books to examine for –isms. You are looking for positive portrayals but also for stereotypes. Read aloud. 3. Review the checklist – 10 Quick Ways. 4. Choose some examples to share with the class. Explain why you think these are positive or negative.

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