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‘Everybody ‘more’ active, every day’ Conference Welcome from Dr Rebecca Cooper, Oxfordshire Public Health Consultant and Keith Johnston, Chairman of the.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Everybody ‘more’ active, every day’ Conference Welcome from Dr Rebecca Cooper, Oxfordshire Public Health Consultant and Keith Johnston, Chairman of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Everybody ‘more’ active, every day’ Conference Welcome from Dr Rebecca Cooper, Oxfordshire Public Health Consultant and Keith Johnston, Chairman of the Oxfordshire Sports Partnership

2 Todays agenda- in your packs

3 Key Note Speaker Dr William Bird MBE Since 1996, Dr William Bird MBE has been creating innovative ways to get people moving.

4 Key issue- interdependant system

5 An approach to address this and other issues since 2006 ‘Working together to improve people’s lives by growing participation in physical activity and sport’

6 Oxfordshire Strategic Framework for sport and physical activity 2013-17 Link between sport and PA Establish national-local shared priorities Better use scarse resources Direction joint work Core Team support Going through a review- now want your views Value added- Facilitate Oxon Strategic Framework Sport and Physical Activity

7 ‘For Oxfordshire to be the most active and sporty community in the country by 2017’ Vision for Oxfordshire

8 35,000 more people doing 150 minutes activity week by 2017- is this more realistic? 35,000 more people doing 0 to doing something per week- is this realistic and if not what is? Key destinations

9 Key issues we need to address to achieve the Vision Strategic Priorities PA and Sport

10 1.Starting early 2.Creating a daily habit 3.Narrowing the gap 4.Improving partnership working 5.Growing resources 6.Understand needs 7.Improve community capability Oxfordshire Strategic priorities

11 Each table has a facilitator Please go through the MATS and feed back your thoughts Table discussion and consultation

12 Speed Dating with Tom White Keeping active every day !

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