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Beyond reasonable doubt? week 8 - other religions.

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond reasonable doubt? week 8 - other religions."— Presentation transcript:

1 beyond reasonable doubt? week 8 - other religions

2 emile durkheim – pioneer in the field of sociology religion is a social fact




6 some questions for discussion what is a religion? are all people religious? if you had grown up in saudi arabia, say, would you be a muslim? what, if anything, can christians learn from other religions? how does god feel about sincere buddhists / muslims / hindhus? in what ways is britain becoming more / less spiritual?



9 please note: they are not all the same!

10 some distinctive and persuasive christian doctrines the person of jesus the christ the atoning death of jesus the christ the resurrection of jesus the christ the scriptures perfect justice and transforming grace - redemption the creative presence of the spirit and radical discipleship universal and bold yet peaceful and humble

11 beyond reasonable doubt? week 8 - other religions

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