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Sketchbook Homework You will be graded on: Fulfilled all points of assignment 1-25 points Used entire page with Value (color optional)1-25 points Page.

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Presentation on theme: "Sketchbook Homework You will be graded on: Fulfilled all points of assignment 1-25 points Used entire page with Value (color optional)1-25 points Page."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sketchbook Homework You will be graded on: Fulfilled all points of assignment 1-25 points Used entire page with Value (color optional)1-25 points Page is well designed/interesting composition 1-25 points Time and effort (1 & 1/2 hours) is evident in craftsmanship and detail. 1-25 points ART 2, 3 & 4 Sketchbook Assignments

2 Sketch 1: Represent VALUES Due Wednesday, September 10th. Draw a sphere to scale Determine a light source (show on page) Correctly add in the proper values Must have at least 6 different values

3 Sketch 2: Daily Life Due Wednesday, September 17th Still life of three DETAILED items Arrange a unique composition Draw in detail using values Draw to scale

4 Sketch 3: Scissor characters Due Wednesday, September 24th. Artists have often explored the concept that animals/people look amusing with real life objects as a focal point Be CREATIVE and design your own scissor creator.

5 Sketch 4: Free Draw Due Wednesday, October 1 st You can draw whatever you like but must be school appropriate. Used entire page with Value (color optional) Page is well designed/ interesting composition Time and effort (1 & 1/2 hours) is evident in craftsmanship and detail. I expected to be amazed!!

6 Sketch 5: Creative design within an animal shape/ contour lines DUE Tuesday October 8 th COUNTS AS A TEST GRADE Students must draw the realistic shape/contour line of an animal then add a unique design within background. Students will be graded on: Effort Shading Animal Shape Design

7 Sketch 6: Japanese Art Due Wednesday, October 15th Students must draw a Japanese artistic character (you create) Add color to enhance Students will be graded on: Effort Color Application Originality Creativity

8 Sketch 7: Organic Shapes Due: Wednesday, October 22nd Fulfilled all points of assignment 1-25 points Used entire page with Value (Limited to 3 values) 1-25 points Page is well designed/ interesting composition 1-25 points Time and effort (1 & 1/2 hours) is evident in craftsmanship and detail. 1-25 points

9 Sketch 8: The Scream Due: Wednesday, October 29th Used entire page with Color Required 1-25 points On back list three FACTS about the Artist: Eduard Munch (1-25 pts) Page is well designed/ interesting composition 1-25 points Time and effort (1 & 1/2 hours) is evident in craftsmanship and detail. 1-25 points

10 Sketch 9: Spoon LAYERING Due: Wednesday, November 3 rd TEST GRADE Full Realistic Detail Used entire page with Values Time and effort (1 & 1/2 hours) is evident in craftsmanship and detail.

11 Sketchbook Activity 10: Form & Space (Positive/Negative) Due Wednesday, November 12 th Form & Space are Elements of Art Using construction paper and glue create your own unique formation in your sketchbook (see example BUT don’t copy it) You may get sheets of construction paper off the shelf for this assignment BE CREATIVE!!

12 Draw your HAND: Sketch 11 Draw your hand in an usually position. Show full detail Draw to SCALE Use Value to enhance sketch Work on perspective Due Tuesday, November 19th

13 Draw your bare foot: Sketch 12 Draw your foot in an usually position. Show full detail Draw to SCALE Use Value to enhance sketch Work on perspective Due Tuesday, December 3rd

14 Draw a REALISTIC TREE: Sketch 13 Show full detail Draw to SCALE Use Value to enhance sketch Work on perspective Due Tuesday, January 7th

15 Sketch: 14 Draw Realistic EYES (A pair of eyes) Show full detail Draw to SCALE Use Value to enhance sketch Work on REALISM Due Tuesday, January 14th

16 Sketch 15:Draw Realistic Chair Show full detail Draw to SCALE Use Value to enhance sketch Work on REALISM Due Tuesday, January 14th

17 Sketch 16: Draw a box of crayons Show full detail Draw to SCALE Add color to enhance sketch Work on REALISM Due Tuesday, January 21st

18 Sketch 17: Draw a Smurf Show full detail Draw to SCALE Add color to enhance sketch Work on REALISM Due Tuesday, January 28th

19 Sketch 18: Draw your Cell Phone Show full detail Draw to SCALE Add value to enhance sketch Work on REALISM Due Tuesday, February 4th

20 Sketch 19: Draw a Bug in motion Must include 4 different angles. Show full detail Draw to SCALE Add value to enhance sketch Work on REALISM Due Tuesday, February 8 th A TEST GRADE

21 Sketch 20: Draw legs with shoes Show full detail Draw to SCALE Add value to enhance sketch Work on REALISM Due Tuesday, February18th

22 Sketch 21: Draw a lightbulb Show full detail Draw to SCALE Add value to enhance sketch Work on REALISM Due Tuesday, March 4th

23 Sketch 22: Draw an abstract pattern and repeat to fill page creatively Draw to SCALE – Fill PAGE Work on abstract designs Be neat – use a ruler if needed! Due Tuesday, March 18th

24 Sketch 23: Draw an image using Positive/Negative Space Draw to SCALE Add value to enhance sketch Due Tuesday, March 25 th A TEST GRADE

25 Sketch 24: Draw your name and enhance with different design elements Show full detail Draw to SCALE Add value to enhance sketch Due Tuesday, April 1st

26 Sketch 25: Draw the tops of different bottles (at least 6) Show full detail Draw to SCALE Add value to enhance sketch Work on REALISM Due Tuesday, April 8th

27 Sketch 26: Draw the other half of a face. Select a full face picture out of a magazine (I have a plenty – see me for yours) Fold or cut picture in half (see below). You are to draw the other side of the face REALISTICALLY! Show full detail Draw to SCALE Add value to enhance sketch Work on REALISM Due Tuesday, April 15 th

28 Sketch 27: Perspective Drawing Show vanishing point and horizon line Draw a square and rectangle Draw to SCALE USE A RULER! Add value to enhance sketch Due Tuesday, April 29th


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