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And light is what we do!!!.  Primary school children between the ages of 7.  The children would have a previous knowledge that: 1. plants grow from.

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Presentation on theme: "And light is what we do!!!.  Primary school children between the ages of 7.  The children would have a previous knowledge that: 1. plants grow from."— Presentation transcript:

1 And light is what we do!!!

2  Primary school children between the ages of 7.  The children would have a previous knowledge that: 1. plants grow from seeds

3 1. Awareness of the surrounding environment. 2. Scientific skills such as : observation, prediction, recording. 3. Social skills: communication, problem- solving, collaboration. 4. Scientific literacy.

4  Introduction: 1. Go outside with the children – observe the trees and plants and conditions needed for growth. (paired work) Key questions included. 2. Use a light table and leaf rubbings. 3. Photosynthesis Rap 4. a8jfE& a8jfE&

5  Method: experiment 1. 4 samples of the same plant potted for growth but placed in different conditions 2. 1 st : placed without light 3. 2 nd : placed without water 4. 3 rd : placed without air 5. 4 th : outside with sunlight, water and air. 6. Key question/prediction: which will grow the best? 7. (plants placed for 2 weeks to see observations)

6  Conclusion: 1. Discuss and record results 2. Introduce the key word: photosynthesis 3. Drama illustrating photosynthesis.

7  Discovery learning  Hands-on experience with scientific topics in their own environment.  Active learning.

8  Materials needed: 1. Light table 2. Paper, crayons 3. Leaves 4. Computer - YouTube video 5. Potted plants 6. Worksheets, recording material. 7. PowerPoint of photos of plants and trees.

9  The children will be enabled to: 1. List the 3 main elements needed for photosynthesis 2. Describe how plants grow. 3. Describe the process of photosynthesis in their own words. 4. Learn the rap!!!!!

10  Drama on photosynthesis.  Group quiz.  Contribution to whole class discussion.  Completion of worksheet.  Draw a picture showing elements needed for photosynthesis.

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