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Tchaikovsky. o Russian Romantic o Known for:  Ballets (Nutcracker, Swan Lake)  Symphonies (6)  Operas  Serenade for Strings  Concerto (piano/violin)

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Presentation on theme: "Tchaikovsky. o Russian Romantic o Known for:  Ballets (Nutcracker, Swan Lake)  Symphonies (6)  Operas  Serenade for Strings  Concerto (piano/violin)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tchaikovsky

2 o Russian Romantic o Known for:  Ballets (Nutcracker, Swan Lake)  Symphonies (6)  Operas  Serenade for Strings  Concerto (piano/violin)  Overture (Romeo & Juliet) 1840-1893 (53)

3  Highly emotional (Dionysian)  A unique gift for melody  Excellent orchestrator  Tells a story without words (ballet/symphonies, etc.)  Highly influenced by Mozart (he referred to him as “the Christ”) Photo of Tchaikovsky as a young man Characteristics of his music THE VOICE OF RUSSIA


5 “It seems to me that our inclinations are the biggest and most insurmountable obstacle to our happiness, and that we must fight against our natures with all our strength…not just to silence the gossips [but] for you yourself, for your peace of mind…I shall abandon for ever my previous habits, and shall endeavor to be numbered no more among the company [of homosexuals]…I think of nothing but ridding myself of all pernicious passions.” – letter to his brother, Modest (1876) ON HIS HOMOSEXUALITY

6 “…I will do my utmost to get married this year, and if I lack the necessary courage, I will at any rate abandon my habits forever. Surely you realize how painful it is for me to know that people pity and forgive me when in truth I am not guilty of anything. How appalling to think that those who love me are sometimes ashamed of me. In short, I seek marriage or some sort of public involvement with a woman so as to shut the mouths of assorted contemptible creatures whose opinions mean nothing to me, but who are in a position to cause distress to those near to me.” -letter to Modest, (1876) ON HIS BRIEF MARRIAGE

7 “If there is the remotest possibility, try to be normal. At your age you can still force yourself to love [the opposite sex]. Try it at least once. Maybe it will work.” – letter to his brother, Modest (1870) “My God! No matter what they told me at the time, and how I have since tried to console myself, my guilt about him is unbearable! Yet despite it all I loved him – that is, not loved [in the past tense], but love him still. His memory is sacred to me!” – letter to his brother, Modest on the suicide of his student Eduard Zak (1873) Zak inspired the love theme for his famous ‘Romeo & Juliet’ HOMOSEXUALITY, CONT.

8 With nephew & lover Vladimir Davidov, “Bob” (31 years his junior) Tchaikovsky left his estate to Bob in his will Bob moved to Klin with Modest in 1893 to turn Tchaikovsky’s home into a museum Bob committed suicide in 1906 (age 34) ON HIS “IDOL” BOB

9 “While on my travels I had an idea for another symphony – a programme work this time, but its programme will remain a conundrum to everyone. Let them guess at it. But the symphony will be called “Programme Symphony” (No. 6)…This programme is imbued with subjectivity. During my journey, while composing it in my thoughts, I often wept a great deal. Then, after returning, I began writing drafts, and the work was as heated as it was rapid….There will be much that is new in this symphony where form in concerned, one point being that the finale will not be a loud allegro, but the reverse, a most unhurried adagio.” – Letter to his nephew “Bob” with whom he was in love and to whom he dedicated the work ON HIS 6 TH SYMPHONY

10 Traditional 4 movements, but unusual form and tempi 1.Adagio – Allegro no troppo (sonata form with introduction) 2.Allegro con grazia 3.Allegro molto vivace 4.Finale. Adagio lamentoso Pathétique is a French word, and the title was apparently suggested by Tchaikovsky’s brother, Modest (not by Tchaikovsky). The translation “pathetic” is misleading and more accurately translates: “suffering, sadness, passion, or sorrow.” “PATHÉTIQUE”

11 “…I myself absolutely believe it to be the best and especially the most sincere of all my works. I love it as I have never loved any single one of my other musical creations.” – letter to his nephew, Bob “Symphony as suicide note.” – musicologist, Richard Taruskin [The product of] “an irresistible desire to retell in music the story of his life and his soul.” Alexander Poznansky, Tchaikovsky scholar 6 TH SYMPHONY, CONT.

12 Depression Apparently Tchaikovsky’s sexual advances to a young nobleman were about to be made public His classmates at the school of jurisprudence had recently formed a “court of honor” and said he must kill himself If convicted, punishment was loss of civil rights and exile in Siberia Conducted the premiere of 6 th symphony - 5 days later fell ill Doctor’s statement indicated he died a day before it was reported Those at deathbed gave conflicting accounts His symptoms fit closely with arsenic poisoning Like his idol Mozart, his death will remain a mystery Reasons for SuicideReasons to doubt SUICIDE?

13 Holden, Anthony. Tchaikovsky, A Biography. New York: Random House, 1995. Print. CITATION FOR LETTERS AND QUOTATIONS:

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