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Shared Poetry Reading: Teaching Print Concepts, Rhyme, and Vocabulary By: Sheila Fabiny.

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2 Shared Poetry Reading: Teaching Print Concepts, Rhyme, and Vocabulary By: Sheila Fabiny

3 Grade Level: Kindergarten Subject: Language Arts Topic: The students will learn about reading and rhyming. Objectives: Learn about important concepts of print including left-to-right. Where they should begin reading a poem and watching spoken words matched to print during read-aloud of the poem. Demonstrate word recognition critical to reading comprehension by matching words to print as they are being read and by identifying familiar words in a poem. Demonstrate understanding of rhyming words by identifying and discussing them in a nursery rhyme and creating a list of words that rhyme with key rhyming words from the text. Practice acquiring and using new vocabulary by identifying an unfamiliar word, discussing it, and using it to create a predictable class book. HOME

4 Procedures: Read the poem Kittens. Discuss words they do not know (slumber). Talk about kittens. Give students a copy of the poem and ask where they would start to read. Have them read it as a group. Point out the words that rhyme. Try to find other rhyming words. Have students circle the rhyming words on their copy of the poem. Create a class book using rhyme. Evaluation: Find out what the students learned about rhyming. Do they remember which way they should read? Do they remember what the words mean that were discussed at the beginning? HOME

5 Materials: Copies of the poem Kittens Markers Pencils Crayons Standards: 3. Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with other readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word identification strategies, and their understanding of textual features (e.g., sound–letter correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics). 6. Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and nonprint texts. 11. Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of a variety of literacy communities. HOME

6 References Hankinson, B. L. W. ReadWriteThink., Retrieved March 19, 2011, from plans/shared-poetry-reading-teaching-883.html?tab=1#tabs plans/shared-poetry-reading-teaching-883.html?tab=1#tabs, Retrieved March 19, 2001, from http://smart- HOME

7 A black-nosed kitten will slumber all day, A white-nosed kitten is ever glad to play, A yellow-nosed kitten will answer to your call, And a gray-nosed kitten I wouldn't have at all! HOME

8 Discussion Questions What colors are kittens? What do kittens do? What does the word slumber mean? Did you find any rhyming words? HOME

9 Discussion Rhyming words are words that sound the same. They are words that are usually at the end of a sentence in a poem. Rhyming words do not have to be spelled the same. HOME

10 Rhyming Words CatHatBat WallTallBall SunFunBun TreeBeeWe CarFarTar HOME

11 Let’s think of more words that rhyme. HOME

12 What word rhymes with cat? dog ball bat HOME

13 What word rhymes with ball? cat fall car HOME

14 What word rhymes with fun? sun bus book HOME

15 You are right! Good Job! HOME

16 Try again! HOME

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