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Kevin Castro, Aaron Levis Van Macasaet, Steve Oltrogge.

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Presentation on theme: "Kevin Castro, Aaron Levis Van Macasaet, Steve Oltrogge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kevin Castro, Aaron Levis Van Macasaet, Steve Oltrogge

2 Overview ● History ● Classification ● Technology ● Concerns and Regulations ● Future

3 Why should you care? ● There has been controversy over the use of “Drones” ● What do you need to know?

4 What is a UAV? Defined by the FAA as a powered aerial vehicle sustained in flight by aerodynamic lift over most of their flight path and guided without an onboard crew

5 History The Early Years First UAV developed in 1916 Curtiss Flying Boat Elmer Sperry & Peter Hewitt Source: USD Journal of San Diego History

6 1917 Military Funded “Flying Bombs” Curtiss N-9 Seaplanes Cancelled in 1918 History World War I Source: Celtic Cowboy Company

7 1918 Charles Kettering’s “Kettering Bugs” History World War I Source: Flying Machines

8 Germany The “Buzzbombs” were created Total of 6,200 casualties and 18,000 more injured Simple and relatively inexpensive design History World War II Source: WordPress

9 1962 U.S. U-2 plane was shot down over Cuba The “Red Wagon” focuses on the function of surveillance U.S. military gives UAV surveillance a permanent role History Cuban Missile Crisis

10 History 1960 - 2000 Source:Talking Proud < /Military/OldHercLGB/OldHercLGBR espects/files/dc130.jpg> “Buffalo Hunter” Source: Popular Science “Pioneer”

11 “Global Hawk” Deployed for the first time in Afghanistan and was instrumental in information-gathering MQ-1 “Predator” Used for surveillance and combat History 2000 - Present Source: U.S. Air Force < photodb/photos/081131-F-7734Q-001.jpg>

12 X47-B July 10th, 2013 First UAV to land on aircraft carrier Arrested Landing History Latest and Greatest Video By: Julian E. Barnes of the Wall Street Journal

13 Classification by Size High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) Over 50,000 ft Altitude 24+ hour endurance Source: Northrop Grumman Source: UAVGlobal

14 Classification by Size Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) 15,000 - 50,000 ft Altitude 24 hr Endurance Source: Senior Airman Jullianne Sholwater Source: Defense Talk, 2011

15 Classification by Size Tactical UAVs 30-300 km range Small UAVs less than 30 km range Source: SFC Michael Guillory Source: Miltechmag

16 Classification by Size Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAV) 15cm dimensions Source: Russell Naughton, 1999, Source: Richard Watt

17 Classification by Autonomy 10Fully Autonomous 9Battlespace Swarm Cognizance 8Battlespace Single Cognizance 7Battlespace Knowledge 6Real Time Multi-Vehicle Cooperation 5Real Time Multi-Vehicle Coordination 4Fault/Event Adaptive Vehicle 3 Robust Response to Real Time Faults/Events 2Changeable Mission 1Execute Preplanned Mission 0Remotely Piloted Vehicle Adapted from: Evolution of a UAV Autonomy Classification Taxonomy

18 Classification by Function Military Reconnaissance Attack Source: Southeast Asia News

19 Classification by Function Civilian Critical infrastructure Monitoring Commercial Photography Security Awareness Disaster Response Cargo Transport Source: Unmanned

20 Technology Unmanned Aerial Systems Adapted from Wiley, 2010

21 Technology Payload Part of the aircraft specifically carried to achieve the mission Source : TSGT Scott Reed, 2004, Source : US Air Force,

22 Technology Control Station Central nervous system of the operation UAV interfaces directly with human operators Flight information Source :Planefinder

23 Technology Aircraft Types Fixed Wing Rotary Tiltrotor Source: Military Factory Source: UAS Vision

24 Technology Navigation Basic Human Control Global Positioning System (GPS) Radio and Radar tracking Direct Reckoning

25 Concerns and Regulations Ethics Ethics and collateral damage Civilian casualties Forcing other countries Fuels Anti-Americanism HR 4036 Regulates lethal use of UAVs within the US government

26 Concerns and Regulations Safety Safety Drones for crime Terrorist Threats Public weaponized drones Accidents Adapted from the Federal Aviation Administration

27 Concerns and Regulations Privacy Privacy Government surveilence Law Enforcement Stalkers Virginia UAV Regulations Source: Library of Congress

28 Future Regulations Adapted from the Federal Aviation Administration

29 Future Uses Drones readily available to public Commonplace in law enforcement Disaster Response Drones for every industry

30 Source:

31 Source: CNN Dominos Pizza

32 Review History Three Classification Systems Components of Unmanned Aerial Systems Concerns and Regulations Future Possibilities

33 Questions?

34 References 1. Balboa Park Online Collaborative. "The Only Safe and Sane Method... The Curtiss School of Aviation." San Diego History Center. University of San Diego, n.d. Web. 01 June 2014. 2. "CELTIC COWBOY COMPANY." CELTIC COWBOY COMPANY. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 June 2014. 3. "Dayton-Wright Liberty Eagle / Kettering Bug." Dayton-Wright Liberty Eagle / Kettering Bug. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 June 2014. 4. "WWII Netherlands Escape Lines." WWII Netherlands Escape Lines. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 June 2014. 5. "Understanding Empire." Understanding Empire. WordPress, May 2014. Web. 02 June 2014. 6. "Talking Proud." Home. Talk Proud, n.d. Web. 02 June 2014. 7. "Popular Science." Popular Science. Popular Science, n.d. Web. 31 May 2014. 8. "U.S. Air Force." The Official Home Page of the. United States Air Force, n.d. Web. 02 June 2014. 9. Wall Street Journal. "First Aircraft Carrier Landing of Unmanned Drone | Drone Video." YouTube. YouTube, 10 July 2013. Web. 02 June 2014. 10. Northrop Grumman. "Global Hawk." Northrop Grumman. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 June 2014. 11. UAVGlobal. "Lockheed Martin RQ-3 DarkStar." UAVGlobal. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 June 2014.

35 References 12. "U.S. Air Force." Art. United States Air Force, n.d. Web. 02 June 2014. 13. EADS. "EADS Showcases at Paris Air Show 2011." DefenceTalk Defense Military News Pictures Weapons. N.p., 16 June 2011. Web. 02 June 2014. 14. "RQ-11 Raven." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 29 May 2014. Web. 02 June 2014. 15. "MILITARY TECHNOLOGY." : Aeryon Labs Announces the SKYRANGER Small Unmanned Aerial System (UAS). N.p., 23 May 2013. Web. 02 June 2014. 16. "Flying Wings : An Anthology." Flying Wings : An Anthology. Hargrave, n.d. Web. 02 June 2014. 17. "Black Hornet Nano." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 May 2014. Web. 02 June 2014. 18. "RQ-1 Predator." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 17 May 2014. Web. 02 June 2014. 19. Valdes, Robert. "How the Predator UAV Works." HowStuffWorks., 01 Apr. 2004. Web. 02 June 2014. 20. "How Plane Finder Works Using ADS-B." Planefindernet RSS. Planefinder, n.d. Web. 02 June 2014. 21. "Military Factory." Military Factory. Military Factory, n.d. Web. 02 June 2014. 22."UAS VISION." UAS VISION. Navy Times, n.d. Web. 02 June 2014. 23. Maier, John, Nick Lancaster, Bill Johnson, Hobe Schultz, Holly Higgins, George Burnette, and

36 References 23. Maier, John, Nick Lancaster, Bill Johnson, Hobe Schultz, Holly Higgins, George Burnette, and Maximino Gonzalez. "Intelligence Oversight and Information Handling During Domestic Support Operations." Domestic Operational Law Handbook for Judge Advocates. By Michael Noyes. Charlottesville: Center for Law and Military Operations, 2013. 167-69. Print. 24. Federal Aviation Administration. Integration of Civil Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) Roadmap (2013): n. pag. Federal Aviation Administration. FAA, 7 Nov. 2013. Web. 25. "Amazon Prime Air." Amazon Prime Air. Amazon, n.d. Web. 02 June 2014. 26. Pepitone, Julianne. "Domino's Tests Drone Pizza Delivery." CNNMoney. Cable News Network, 04 June 2013. Web. 03 June 2014.

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