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Week 3 and 4 Vocabulary Mrs. Blake English III/ English III Honors.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 3 and 4 Vocabulary Mrs. Blake English III/ English III Honors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 3 and 4 Vocabulary Mrs. Blake English III/ English III Honors

2 SAT Vocabulary Group 1 English III- Words 1-10 English III Honors- Words 1-15

3 Altruistic  [al tru IS tik]  Adjective  Unselfishly concerned for the welfare of others Synonyms: Generous, ______, ______ Antonyms: belligerent, ______, ______ Derivations: altruism, altruist, altruistically Nuns and nurses are usually very altruistic people since they seek ways to help people. Group 1 Word 1

4 Ambivalent [am BIV uh lunt] Adjective Having contrary feelings or attitudes, uncertain as to course of action –Synonyms: undecided, ______, _____ –Antonyms: certain, ______, _____ –Derivations: ambivalence –I am ambivalent about a permanent relationship with him, because I like him one day and don’t the next. Group 1 Word 2

5 Angular  [ANG gyuh ler]  Adjective  Lean, sharp cornered Synonyms: gaunt, ______, _____ Antonyms: rotund, ______, _____ Derivations: angulated, angularity, angulations The patient has lost so much weight that his face has become quite angular. Group 1 Word 3

6 Arrogant  [AIR uh gunt]  Adjective  Overbearingly assuming; insolently proud Synonyms: presumptuous, ______, _____ Antonyms: meek, ______, _____ Derivations: arrogance, arrogance, arrogantly Because the girl was so arrogant, she had few friends. Group 1 Word 4

7 Aversion [uh VER shun] Noun Strong disinclination or disliking –Synonyms: reluctance, ______, _____ –Antonyms: inclination, ______, _____ –Derivations: averseness, aversely, averse –I have an aversion to eating peas; I just don’t like that vegetable! Group 1 Word 5

8 Discern  [deh SURN]  Verb  To differentiate between two or more things Synonyms: differentiate, ______, _____ Antonyms: to be oblivious, ______, _____ Derivations: discerner, discernible (able), discernibly (ably), discernment Because of the fog, the pilot was barely able to discern the landing strip. Group 1 Word 6

9 Disdain [dis DANE] Verb Intense dislike; to treat with scorn or contempt, to reject as unworthy – Synonyms: arrogant, ______, _____ –Antonyms: admiration, ______, _____ –Derivations: disdained, disdainful, disdainfully, disdainfulness –Never having had to do manual labor, he disdained the idea of becoming a cotton picker. Group 1 Word 7

10 Disparage  [deh SPAR ij]  Verb  To degrade, to speak of someone or something in a derogatory manner Synonyms: belittle, ______, _____ Antonyms: to praise profusely, ______, _____ Derivations: disparagement, disparager, disparagingly His disparaging remarks about me caused the committee to give the job to another person. Group 1 Word 8

11 Disparity  [deh SPAR eh tee]  Noun  The condition or fact of being unequal in age, rank or degree Synonyms: inequality, ______, _____ Antonyms: similarity, ______, _____ Derivations: disparate, disparately, disparateness, disparatum The couple got married even though there was a great disparity in their ages. Group 1 Word 9

12 Embellish  [em BEL ish]  Verb  To decorate, to make beautiful with ornamentation Synonyms: garnish, ______, _____ Antonyms: to abbreviate, ______, _____ Derivations: embellisher, embellishment He would embellish his narratives with anecdotes about famous people. Group 1 Word 10

13 Engender en JEN der Verb To cause, to produce, to create –Synonyms: propagate, ______, _____ –Antonyms: to squelch, ______, _____ –Derivations: engendered, engenderer, engenders, engendering –His angry words engendered strife in his relationship with his wife. Group 1 Word 11

14 Innocuous  [en NOK yoo us]  Adjective  producing no injury Synonyms: harmless, ______, _____ Antonyms: dangerous, ______, _____ Derivations: innocuously, innocuousness Since the drink was innocuous, the mother gave it to her child. Group 1 Word 12

15 Insipid  [in SIP id]  Adjective  Boring and stupid Synonyms: inane, ______, _____ Antonyms: spirited, ______, _____ Derivations: insipidity, insipidly, insipidness I am bored by your insipid talk. Group 1 Word 13

16 Lament  [luh MENT]  Verb  To mourn or to express sorrow in a demonstrative manner Synonyms: bemoan, ______, _____ Antonyms: rejoice, ______, _____ Derivations: lamented, lamenting, lamentation, lamentable She lamented the death of her father in a very lachrymose manner. Group 1 Word 14

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