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Mrs. Humphrey Redding School of the Arts Grade 4/5.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Humphrey Redding School of the Arts Grade 4/5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Humphrey Redding School of the Arts Grade 4/5

2 A bit about me  This is my 17 th year teaching  I am a parent of four children ages 18, 15, 11,7  I grew up in Redding, went to school in SF and came back to raise my family  I have a BA in History, a Multiple Subjects teaching credential, a supplemental High School History credential, an MA in Teaching and an Administrative Credential


4 A bit about our classroom  Desks  Windows  Lighting  Technology

5 Top Ten Things Employers Look for in New College Graduates  The ability to work well in teams— especially with people different from yourself  An understanding of science and technology and how these subjects will be used in real-world settings  The ability to write and speak well  The ability to think clearly about complex problems

6  The ability to analyze a problem to develop workable solutions  The ability to be creative and innovative in solving problems  The ability to apply knowledge and skills in new settings  The ability to understand numbers and statistics  A strong sense of ethics and integrity

7 Student Expectations  Be on time and ready to go  Be prepared with materials  1 ½” binder  1 spiral bound notebook  Dividers  Replenish materials as needed  Turn in work on time  10% off for late work per day late  1 day grace period for daily assignments if out for illness

8 Binders  Every student will receive a grade for having their binder labeled correctly.  Tab 1: Homework/Notes Home  Tab 2: Math  Tab 3: Language Arts  Tab 4: Social Studies  Tab 5: Science

9 Parent Expectations  Aeries Wednesday  Daily check of website  Send me an email every now and then just to say hi and check in with me  Feel free to call me at home if there is a pressing matter. I’m a parent also. I know that some questions answered can eliminate stress in the evening.

10 Language Arts Curriculum  Spelling  Spelling inventory  Student driven study  Grammar  Write Source  Sentence diagramming  G.U.M.  Novels  Theme based lit novels  Literature Anthology  Prentice Hall  Step Up to Writing  Poetry  Monthly memorization  Study of Figurative Language

11 Social Studies Curriculum  Geography  Text book  Literature novels  Vocabulary  Quizzes/tests ***Spelling counts***

12 Science  Animal Classification  Biome  Rocks/Minerals  Ecosystems  Simple Machines  EEI curriculum  Gems

13 Website I use the website to communicate with all of my families daily.  Updated homework assignments  Forms (when applicable)  Parent volunteer requests  Classroom supply requests

14 Character Education Program  School wide program (The Book)  Students to monitor their own behaviors w/out interrupting instruction  Six Pillars of Character  “Gotcha” awards

15 Technology  Flash drive  Access to email for students  Power Point  Microsoft Publisher  ** Students will be setting technology goals***

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