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Glasgow Homelessness Network Conference 2011 Marion Gibbs Scottish Government.

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Presentation on theme: "Glasgow Homelessness Network Conference 2011 Marion Gibbs Scottish Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glasgow Homelessness Network Conference 2011 Marion Gibbs Scottish Government

2 2012 Homelessness Target All unintentionally homeless households will be entitled to settled accommodation Removal of “priority need” test

3 Progress – 2010/11 88% of homelessness assessments in PN – increase of 2% since 2009/10 2 LAs – 100% throughout the year; 10 LAs – over 90% of homelessness assessments in PN 17 LAs – between 80 – 90% in PN 1 LA – between 70 – 80% in PN 2 LAs – under 70% in PN

4 SG/COSLA Joint 2012 Steering Group Membership – SG, COSLA, SOLACE, ALACHO and SFHA Met since October 2009 – initial focus on young people and development of housing options/prevention

5 Four Key Objectives Corporate buy-in and joint working Prevention of homelessness Access to other stock – RSL and PRS Investment in housing

6 What are Housing Options? Introduces a culture change – move form process driven to outcome focused Looks at all the options available – and can cover more than just housing Involves the household in the decisions about them Crucially important that it does not undermine legislation – safety net provision

7 Housing options “hubs” Five across Scotland – all 32 LAs and partners Seminars in August/September 2010 involving LAs and RSLs; national seminar August 2011 Development of action plans – now all agreed and funding being released – on website All at different stages and all with a slightly different focus but all have aim of continuing/moving towards a housing options approach and the prevention of homelessness

8 Glasgow and West of Scotland West hub: East Dunbartonshire, West Dunbartonshire, Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, East Renfrewshire, Renfrewshire Councils, GHA Action plan on website Glasgow – housing options work

9 Other work Cross sector supported accommodation working group – report and implementation group being established Health and homelessness National co-ordinators Housing support consultation Other legislative requirements – 2012 SSI

10 Question How best to promote the prevention of homelessness, and the development of the housing options approach, in Glasgow?

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