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1 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Multi-hadron correlations at RHIC and LHC Olga Barannikova.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Multi-hadron correlations at RHIC and LHC Olga Barannikova."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Multi-hadron correlations at RHIC and LHC Olga Barannikova

2 2 University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Outline Jet quenching in heavy ion collisions Evolution of jet-type correlation analyses Theoretical interpretation of data Multi-hadron correlations at RHIC Jets studies via correlations at LHC Outlook

3 3 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Motivation: early results Signature two-particle correlation result: Disappearance of the away side jet in central Au+Au collisions Effect vanishes in peripheral/d+Au collisions 4<p T trig <6 GeV/c 2<p T assoc <p T trig PRL 91 (2003) 072304 PRL 91 (2003) 072303 High p T hadron suppression: Final state effect in Au+Au collisions Observation extends to all accessible p T range

4 4 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Motivation: higher p T ? 4<p T trig <6 GeV/c 2<p T assoc <p T trig Recovering the away side: Away-side yield suppression Little modification of the Near-side yields No broadening on Near- or Away-sides d+Au 1/N trig dN /d(  ) Au+Au 20-40%Au+Au 0-5% 8 6 GeV/c PRL 97 (2006) 162301

5 5 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague High-p T – vacuum fragmentation? Near> PRL 97 (2006) 162301 Near-side: No dependence on z T in the measured range – no modification Away side: Suppression ~ level of R AA No dependence on z T in the measured range – no modification

6 6 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Jet modifications: p T  One high-p T, one low-p T trigger Reappearance of the away-side jet Double-hump structure hints at additional physics phenomena 3<p T trig <4 GeV/c 1.3<p T assoc <1.8GeV/c M. v Leeuwen, Hangzhou ‘06 PHENIX PRL 97, 052301 (2006). 1.0 GeV/c < p T assoc

7 7 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Au+Au 0-10% STAR preliminary Intermediate p T : the ridge d+Au min. bias STAR preliminary 3 < p T,trigger < 4 GeV/c Near-side correlation structure: Central Au+Au: cone-like + ridge-like Strong dependence of cone yield on trigger p T Week dependence if ridge yield on trigger p T J. Putschke QM ‘06

8 8 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Energy Loss in QCD Medium Double-hump Away-side Long-range Ridge on Same-side  Mach Cone Possible “splash back”  Parton mult. scattering, recombination Chiu, Hwa PRC72:034903,2005 – Radial flow + jet-quenching S.A.Voloshin, Phys.Lett.B. 632(2006)490 E.Shuryak, hep-ph:0706.3531  Parton + longitudinal flow coupling Armesto PRL93(2004) 242301  … Quantitative measures energy loss…  Mach Cone Stoecker, Nucl. Phys. A750(2005)121 Casalderrey-Solana, Shuryak, Teaney, J. Phys. 27(2005)22 Ruppert, B. Muller, PLB 618 (2005)123 Renk, Ruppert, PRC 76 (2007) 014908  Parton mult. scattering, recombination Chiu, Hwa, PRC 74(2006) 064909  Radial flow boost + jet quenching Armesto, Salgado, Wiedemann, PRL 93 (2004) 242301  Parton + longitudinal flow coupling  …

9 9 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague d+Au Au+Au central Away side:  -  correlation nucl-exp:0805.0622 Experimental observation of conical emission   = 1.37 ± 0.02 (stat.)± 0.06 (syst.) Constrains the speed of sound c S ~ 0.2

10 10 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Near-side:  -  correlations No acceptance No apparent substructure – no gluon fragments/flow coupling? No cross-like term – ridge and cone decoupled? P. Netrakanti QM’08 3<p T Trig <10 GeV/c 1<p T Asso <3 GeV/c

11 11 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Use di-jets to study jet-medium effects “pin” the jet axis selecting back-to- back triggers study correlation w.r.t. this axis 2+1 Correlation Technique Courtesy of R.Hollis “jet-axis” trigger (T2) primary trigger (T1) associates Raw, uncorrected signal  -2 01 2 345 a.u. 0.6 0.4 0.2 T1: p T >5GeV/c T2: p T >4GeV/c   ± 0.2 O.B., QM’08

12 12 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago   2+1 Signal Construction: Raw Correlation Background Signal 0 - 10% 10- 20% 20-30% 30- 40% Flow T1: p T >5GeV/c T2: p T >4GeV/c A: p T >1.5GeV/c  01 2 3 45 -2  0.5 1.0 0 STAR Preliminary Away-side! Phys. Rev. C72 (2005) 014904 O.B., QM’08

13 13 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Correlated Background: Signal + Background Background Signal a.u. T1T2  0 2 4 Accounting for correlated background on T1 and T2 side Correlated background approximated by di-hadron correlations T2A1, T1A1 2+1 Correlation -2 01 2 345  2 1 0 1 _dN_ N trig d  ) STAR Preliminary -2 01 2 345  2 0 1 _dN_ N trig d  ) -2 4 STAR Preliminary

14 14 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Di-jets in d+Au 200 GeV Minimum bias data Slight narrowing of the same-side, big effect for away-side Difference in yields Di-triggers sample higher energy jets Di-jets in d+Au Collisions T2A1_T1 T2A1  -2 01 2 345 1 0 1 _dN_ N trig d  ) 2 STAR Preliminary Single trigger vs. Di-jet trigger O.B., QM’08

15 15 LHC09, Prague Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago Di-Jets in Au+Au Collisions Au+Au d+Au  -2 01 2 345 1 0 1 _dN_ N trig d  ) STAR Preliminary 2 3 200 GeV Au+Au & d+Au Central Au+Au ~ d+Au. No away-side suppression! Shapes of near- and away-sides are similar  projection: no significant shape/yield modifications  projection: no apparent ridge O.B., QM’08 Au+Au 12% central |  |<0.7 T2A1_T1 T1A1_T2  -1.5 0 1 -0.5 0.5 1.5 1 _dN_ N trig d  ) STAR Preliminary 0 200 GeV Au+Au

16 16 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Model Predictions deposition for back-to-back jets The energy deposition  : T1 , T2  Tune the sensitivity of 2+1 correlations to any medium recoil T. Rank PRC75 (2007) 054910

17 17 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Monte Carlo studies for LHC Generator level study “Generic” HI detector: Charge hadron tracker full azimuthal coverage within |  |<2.5 p T assoc > 2GeV/c RHIC-based efficiency/v 2 assumptions 10% central Pb+Pb 5.5TeV   HYDJET Lokhtin et al, hep-ph:0810.2082

18 18 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague 15<p T Trig <20 GeV/c Mixed Event Background (ZYAM normalization) Correlation studies with Hydjet Can compare UNQUENCHED and QUENCHED mode Raw Signal a. u.  HYDJET Lokhtin et al, hep-ph:0810.2082 

19 19 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Unquenched Hydjet Jet yields and energy measurements Jet-energy measurements via associated hadrons  p T in the correlation peak Jet-multiplicity measurements Sensitivity to quenching? Lower p T ? V. Chetluru QM’08

20 20 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Summary &Outlook: Medium-induced jet modifications Double-hump away side Ridge Differential studies are afforded by multi-particle correlation techniques 3particle  -   consistent with mach cone 3 particle  -   no substructure in ridge Change fragmentation/surface bias with di-jet triggers 2+1 correlations – unmodified di-jet observation Au+Au ~d+Au Potent tool for the LHC 4-7 February 2009

21 21 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague Back-Up

22 22 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague One high-p T trigger (only) Away-side modification Mono-jets? Energy loss for away-side jet? Di-jet trigger No modification on away-side Surface dominated? No energy loss for di-jets? Preliminary Results: T1: p T >5GeV/c T2: p T >4GeV/c A: p T >1.5GeV/c T2A1 T2A1_T1  -2 01 2 345 2 0 1 _dN_ N trig d  ) -2 4 STAR Preliminary

23 23 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague 4-7 February 2009 STAR Preliminary ** Surface Effects T1: p T >5GeV/c T2: p T >4GeV/c A: p T >1.5GeV/c If the triggers have tangential bias: expect a term related to the surface Surface ~ R 2 ~ N part 2/3 ** Shown are statistical errors only Number of triggers per event (per number of binary collisions) Single triggers and (all qualified) pairs behave similar to inclusives STAR Preliminary ** T1= 5 GeV/c 100 0 200 300 N part 0 N trig __ N evt N part 2/3 0.4 d+Au x 10 -3 STAR Preliminary ** #T1T2 pairs / #Single triggers #Di-Jets / #Single triggers 100 0 200 300 0.015 0.05 0.01 N part

24 24 Olga Barannikova University of Illinois at Chicago LHC09, Prague 24 October 6-10, 2008 3-particle correlation in   A1  A2 T : Trigger particle A1: First Associated particle A2: Second Associated particle Jet fragmentation in vacuum In medium radiation + Longitudinal flow Transverse flow boost N.Armesto Phys.Rev.Lett. 93(2004) 242301 S.A.Voloshin, Phys.Lett.B. 632(2006)490 E.Shuryak, hep-ph:0706.3531 STAR TPC acceptance for 3-particle correlation in  (|  |<1 and full azimuth) Turbulent color field. Momentum Kick C.Y. Wong hep-ph:0712.3282 A.Majumder Phys. Rev. Lett.99(2004)042301

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