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Published byPoppy Jasmine Jenkins Modified over 9 years ago
NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR AMAZONIAN BIODIVERSITY STUDIES - CENBAM - William Magnusson & Regina Luizão INPA- Ecologia & Fundação Djalma Batista A three-years (Jan 2009 to Dez 2011) of the CNPq Program ‘Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia’
Biodiversity should not be studied independently of the environment
A management plan for Reserva Ducke?
For 20 years studies in Reserva Ducke has been restricted to the northwest portion …where this species of frog was never seen
Alter do Chão – from sampling polygons to management units To evaluate potential areas for conservation the same number of samples are needed
PPBio To integrate the biodiversity with other institutes and partners, MCT created in 2004 the Programa de Pesquisa em Biodiversidade (PPBio) which includes: Inventories Collections Strengthening of the regional institutions Capacity building Development of economical activities
R. Ducke: Changes in tree biomass x soil texture in two years
Fishes in areas under selective logging. Dados de MURILO SVERSUT DIAS Annual Production Units and the sampling points in Madeireira Mil, Itacoatiara.
Changes after the logging in the physical-chemical properties of the water three months later. in the qualitative composition of the fishes in relation to the time of logging.
Plots along the BR-319 Km 290
Breaking the cycle There are insufficient researchers in the Amazon to receive the funding that is available. This generates a situation in which the lack of infrastructure leads to a lack of qualified scientists, which leads to low scientific productivity, which in turn prevent competition for finance, and the lack of finance prevent training of local people. Creating conditions for Amazonian residents, from local guides to research scientists and business people, to effectively participate in the knowledge-generating processes, and to benefit from the results obtained is the only way to break the cycle. CENBAM was born.
Main objectives To put together a network of Amazonian and extra-Amazonian institutions involved in biodiversity research will use the limited resources available to deepen knowledge of biodiversity and the factors that affect biodiversity, To create and consolidate production chains based on sound scientific knowledge that originate in studies of biodiversity and generating information, products or processes that are of value to specific users in the short, medium and long terms. To integrate different parts of the knowledge-production chain to obtain products useful to society, and will act as a catalyst to attract new sources of funding for Amazonian biodiversity research
Institutional Partnership Amazonas State: INPA and UFAM Acre State: UFAC, SEMA and SEF Rondonia State: UNIR Roraima State: UFRR and UERR Amapá State: IEPA Mato Grosso State: UFMT
Institutional Partnership All organizations are involved in establishment of LTER sites for monitoring ecosystem processes. IEPA and UFAC have been engaged in hydrological studies with LBA, and researchers associated with INPA-RR and UFRR started studies of forest necromass and below-ground fine- root biomass in savannas. INPA, UFAM, UFAC, UNIR, UFRR, UERR, IEPA, UFMT maintain biological collections and are actively involved in biological surveys, studies of the biology of target species, and evaluation of species involved in extractive industries. Thus they are capable of identifying regional gaps. Although the principal capacity for these activities is concentrated in Manaus and Belém, particular groups, such as mammals (UNIR), plants (UFAC), and fish (UFAC, UNIR) have strong groups in the regional hubs. These will be reinforced with international collaboration from the University of East Anglia and the University of California.
Basis for the Program The structure of this network follows the Directives for Policies on Biodiversity (DECRETO Nº 4.339 22/08/2002) (DPB), defining the Brazilian official position on subjects that fall under the term Biodiversity.
The Directives for Policies on Biodiversity 1.Biodiversity Knowledge, 2.Biodiversity Conservation, 3.Sustainable use of Components of Biodiversity, 4.Monitoring, Evaluation and Mitigation of Impacts on Biodiversity, and 5.Institutional Consolidation.
CENBAM’s Lines of Inquiry 1. Integration of Lines of Inquiry 2. Development of standardized methods of short- and long- term biodiversity survey and monitoring 3. Evaluation of carbon stocks and hydrological resources in long-term ecological research sites across the basin 4. Basin-wide studies of biodiversity and the ecological factors that affect it 5. Restructuring and modernization of Amazonian biological collections 6. Genetics applied to biodiversity 7. Bio-prospection for nutraceuticals, phytocosmetics, plant derived insecticides and phytofarmaceuticals
Main interactions among CENBAM lines of inquiry Line of Inquiry 1 - Integration of Lines of Inquiry
Develop standardized integrated methods of biological survey that provide data or material for genetics, for bio-prospecting, for land-use planning, and for evaluation of major impacts. Goal 3-1 (1 year): Identify the data required by users, such as IBAMA-DILIC, ICMBIO, State and Municipal governments, involved in licensing public works, monitoring parks, reserves and impacted areas, certifying forest products, undertaking land-use planning, as well as the requirements of genetics and bio-prospecting laboratories for samples. Goal 3-2 (3 years): Develop standardized methods for wide-scale monitoring applicable in LTER sites and rapid assessment (RAP) sites that can economically meet the demands of the majority of users to maximize the returns from both public and private financing of biological surveys. Goal 3-3 (5 years): Incorporate recommendations from Goal 3-2 in legislation and regulations. Objective 3
Integrate training programs at all levels- community groups to graduate courses – using existing human resources Goal 4-1 (1 year): Initiate at least 10 training courses in Acre, Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Roraima, Amapá and Amazonas Goal 4-2 (3 years): Train local teachers in Sinop (MT), Rio Branco (AC), Porto Velho (RO), Boa Vista (RR), and Macapá (AP) to teach and/or coordinate each of the courses. Goal 4-3 (5 years): Extend the objectives of Goal 4-2 to the capitals of all Amazonian States and some other regional centers, such as Santarém (PA), Cruzeiro do Sul, São Gabriel da Cachoeira and Humaitá (AM). Objective 4
BDFF Training Program Courses about basic ecological principles on current environmental issues for decision makers in both governmental and non-governmental organizations. Course for undergraduate students about the effect of forest fragmentation. Offered yearly by INPA and University of Amazonas to 20-25 people Couse for latin americans graduate students about ecology of the amazonian forest. Offered yearly by INPA and OTS to 20 people
Remove infrastructure bottlenecks preventing the building up of effective knowledge-production chains in Amazonian institutions Goal 5-1 (1 year): Identify infrastructure limitations (laboratory facilities, computer hard- and software, field accommodation, agricultural trial plots, transportation, etc.) that cannot be remedied by integration with other centers Goal 5-2 (3 years): Installation of the infrastructure identified in the budget. Goal 5-3 (5 years): Installation of infrastructure identified in Goal 5-1 in Acre, Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Roraima, Amapá and Amazonas, and identification of infrastructure bottlenecks in other Brazilian Amazonian States. Objective 5
Lines of Inquiry 1 Integration of Lines of Inquiry 1. a website for upload and download of data 2. an interface of input and visualization of data 3. at least 100 high school or higher level technicians trained in the use of GIS tools. 4. at least 100 researchers or graduate students trained in the use of GIS tools and data-set management. 5. a provision of data using geographic browsers, such as Google Earth, for the more general public (high school students, governmental agencies professionals, NGOs, etc.) that need the geographical information, but not necessarily in GIS format. 6. a map server for data consulting. 3-years expected products
3. Evaluation of carbon stocks and hydrological resources in long-term ecological research sites across the basin 1.Coordinate a network for AGAB studies in all of the RAPELD grids and modules under the responsibility of researchers from each regional hub; 2.Training research groups in each regional hub with workshops on field work, data analyses and manuscript preparation; 3.To understand the role of terrain water conditions and other environmental variables (edaphic and topographic features) on spatial distribution of forest structure and AGAB under climate changes 4.Integrate forest structure, AGAB and biodiversity data from all PELD sites with environmental variables in predictive models to understand ecological processes at large scales. General Goals
3. Evaluation of carbon stocks and hydrological resources in long-term ecological research sites across the basin 3-years expected products 1. Above-ground carbon-stock estimates for 7 LTER sites (at least 20 ha per site) which cover almost all Brazilian States in the Amazon Biome; 2. Vegetation structure change scenarios (canopy height, tree density and biomass stocks) as a function of regional climatic change generated from predictive modeling; 3. Vegetation structure maps: (i) high-resolution for inventory sites and (ii) less detailed (1-5 Km cells) for the Brazilian Amazon. All will be available in the CENBAM website; 4. Field and laboratory procedures for vegetation structure, stable isotopes, hydrology and soil investigations reports. All will be available in the CENBAM website;
General Budget of CENBAM Expenditure itemsYear 1Year 2Year 3Total a) Supplies and materials66.33088.44066.330221.100 b.1) Personnel Services ## 170.284227.045170.284567.613 b.2) Contractual Services** 199.575266.100199.575665.250 d) Other costs0,00 e.1) Travel/transportation107.936143.915107.936359.787 e.2) Daily costs46.13461.51246.134153.780 f) Events/meetings/worshops60.00080.00060.000200.000 g) Infrastructure421.344561.792421.3441.404.480 Scholarships408.644 1.225.932 Capital a) Equipment and capital expenditures 314.615402.820300.0001.013.435 Destination of 30% of the total subject to decisions of the Executive Committee410.000680.000410.0001.500.000 Total expenditure itens1.890.2472.517.4481.890.2476.417.949 Total Capital314.615402.820314.6151.082.050 Total1.890.5612.920.2682.204.8627.000.000
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