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Daily Reinforcers 31-40 5th Grade Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Reinforcers 31-40 5th Grade Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Reinforcers 31-40 5th Grade Science

2 TEK 5.5A 31. Which property of matter is being demonstrated in the diagram above?

3 Density

4 TEK 4.10A & 5.2D 32. The following graph shows the organisms found in a forest ecosystem. Which carnivore has the smallest population? D A B C

5 D.

6 TEK 5.5A 33. Which of the following liquids would be considered the least dense? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

7 A. 1

8 TEK 3.8B & 5.4A 34. What is the length of the star below?

9 6 centimeters

10 TEK 5.5A 35. What object in the cup would be considered the most dense? A. Oil B. Pasta C. Corn Syrup D. Paperclip

11 D. Paperclip

12 TEK 3. 8D & 5. 3C 36. Jamal was making a model of the solar system
TEK 3.8D & 5.3C 36. Jamal was making a model of the solar system. His finished product is below. What could he do to his model to make it more accurate? A. Make each planet the same color. B. Change the sizes of the planets. C. Move all the planets closer together. D. Move the Sun to the center of the line.

13 B. Change the sizes of the planets.
What else could be changed?

14 TEK 5.5A Two magnets are placed near each other. They pull towards each other. What statement below might be true? A. One north pole and another north pole are near each other. B. One south pole and another south pole are near each other. C. One north pole and one south pole are near each other. D. The magnets are repelling each other, which is a type of force.

15 C. One north pole and one south pole are near each other.

16 TEK 5.5A 38. Which physical property could be used to separate the above materials? A. Size B. Texture C. Boiling Point D. Magnetism

17 D. Magnetism

18 TEK 5.5A 39. Which pole arrangement of the four magnets will hold the cabinet door shut most tightly when it is closed? A. B. C. D.

19 C.

20 TEK 4.7C & 5.2D 40. The graph above shows the use of natural resources in an urban area. Which nonrenewable resource should the community try to conserve more? A. Oil B. Plants C. Water D. Coal

21 A. Oil

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