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29 Nov 2006PDS MC NSSDC MOU history PDS-NSSDC MOU circa 1994 Reviewed in Jan 2003, June 2004, Oct 2005, Nov 2006 Add words to remove HQ changes Change.

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Presentation on theme: "29 Nov 2006PDS MC NSSDC MOU history PDS-NSSDC MOU circa 1994 Reviewed in Jan 2003, June 2004, Oct 2005, Nov 2006 Add words to remove HQ changes Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 29 Nov 2006PDS MC NSSDC MOU history PDS-NSSDC MOU circa 1994 Reviewed in Jan 2003, June 2004, Oct 2005, Nov 2006 Add words to remove HQ changes Change Master Directory to Catalog Remove the requirement for 50 CD-ROMs Change the exchange of data to include electronic or other acceptable means which are TBD Aids the work of the Tiger Team to implement MPGA Resultant Archive Information Packets written Level of service from “second site” to full archive Policy of media refresh cycle (6 yr) and migration Data retention policy outlines procedure for declaring “definitive data” that may be designated to NARA in line with the NAS/NRC 1995 report “Preserving Scientific Data on Our Physical Universe”

2 29 Nov 2006PDS MC NSSDC Ingest with Service Levels Data Provider Operations Staff : Initial delivery of data and documentation DIOnAS Curation Scientist review of data and documentation Media and non-AIP electronic deliveries AIPs Data delivered electronically & data delivered on transfer media Subsequent Deliveries Media and copies stored on and off-site Data/documentation for troubleshooting Archive media delivered to NSSDC SuperDLT stored on and off-site L2:Non-AIP Permanent Archive: media on-site, copy off-site L3:Second Site: media on-site L4:Backup Service: media off-site L1:AIP Permanent Archive: multiple copies of AIPs written to SuperDLTs in jukebox, one AIP copy stored off-site, 6 year media refreshment cycle

3 29 Nov 2006PDS MC NSSDC Operational scenario and policy NSSDC storage based on DLT 7000 (SDLT) tape: 1.Integrity of DLT 7000s projected as > 20 years (in a controlled environment) from tests conducted by NARA 2.The NSSDC policy is to retrieve an individual AIP from the DLT media in a cycle of six years (NARA policy is once every ten years) 3.Once retrieved and checked, individual AIPs are written to two new DLTs, one for the primary store and one as a backup Note the backup tape is sent to the off site facility – Iron Mountain: NSSDC maintains off site storage, a nearline jukebox and RAID access for data depending on needs and agreements. Maintaining AIP integrity: - When an AIP is retrieved from archive media, it is validated by generating a CRC - All AIPs written to primary tape and backup tape are immediately checked against an external CRC - When a tape is filled, the contents of both the primary and secondary are checked against the external CRC - A copy of each AIP is created on magnetic disk in a separate location - When the validated tape has been sent off site, then the disk is cleaned

4 29 Nov 2006PDS MC Draft NSSDC/PDS MOU Update for Electronic Delivery Option C. Data Distribution, last paragraph As the PDS releases new products for archive, these products will be transmitted to NSSDC in a mutually agreed manner. For data releases on CD, DVD, or similar media, the PDS shall provide NSSDC with a set of these volumes. For data to be sent electronically, the details of such transfer shall be devised and agreed upon by the PDS and NSSDC. These shall include quality assurance and remote storage of backups by NSSDC.

5 29 Nov 2006PDS MC Draft NSSDC/PDS MOU Update for Electronic Delivery Option.SUMMARY:The following are the key components of the MOU: The PDS will serve as the point of entry for planetary data into the NASA archive environment The NSSDC shall maintain and coordinate broad data standards for data management and archiving which are appropriate to most or all disciplines and recommend, maintain and monitor implementation of minimum NASA data standards. The PDS shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining data standards, data structures, and data formats which are appropriate for use by the Planetary Science community. The PDS serves as the primary interface with the planetary data producers, obtaining the data and checking them for correctness of format and content. The data products are then passed on to NSSDC for “deep-archiving” along with appropriate catalog and ancillary information. The NSSDC shall maintain and operate the NASA Master Catalog (which is to be inclusive of all NASA Space and Earth science data regardless of the discipline data system where they reside.) The PDS shall support the population of the Master Catalog. an electronic catalog of all data holdings in the archive. In addition, the PDS shall maintain a multi-layered catalog residing at the Discipline Nodes of the PDS. The NSSDC shall maintain a deep archive of all planetary data designated for indefinite archiving in HQ/SMD planetary-approved Project Data Management Plans (PDMPs) (or equivalent documents), and shall assure the continued existence/readability of such data until/unless HQ/ SMD planetary declares such data to be disposable. The PDS is intended to serve SMD planetary-sponsored planetary scientists and has distribution responsibility primarily for digital data products. NSSDC serves the non-SMD planetary community and, for special needs (e.g., analog products, large volume distributions, distributions from NSSDC’s pre-PDS holdings, etc.), also the SMD planetary-funded community.

6 29 Nov 2006PDS MC NSSDC NARA discussion NSSDC-NARA MOU 2005 Reviewed in fall, 2004, with headquarters; 30 year clause Currently data are not considered “permanently valued” Federal Register NARA guidelines, March 2005, “because of the expertise needed to perform and reference, data with long-term scientific value often are most appropriately maintained by the R&D agencies which created them” NASA headquarters could seek to have NASA data certified as “retained in the agency custody for use in the conduct of the regular business of the agency” – Section 1228.264 of NARA Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 1228.270 describes Electronic Records, e.g., DLT Working with NASA Records Management Office to declare Expect to seek “NARA Affiliated Archive” status for NSSDC Current research with NARA on digital data packaging

7 29 Nov 2006PDS MC NSSDC Articles on AIP and Archive Support Articles on the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) re-engineering of its archive taking into account several OAIS concepts (December 2000) and updates to provide Archive Support as proposed in the 2006 Senior Review (May 2006) NSSDC Makes Major Data Management Advances The Open Archival Information System and the NSSDC NSSDC Canonical File Data Retention Policies at NSSDC Submitting data to NSSDC

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